The Thrill

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Seeing Silva in the flesh... It was unsettling. It had to be that blond hair. It was way too light, making him stand out. Ezra had to admit, for a villain Silva wasn't the most discreet in the way he portrayed himself. Half the people Ezra went up against didn't always have that... quality about them. There could be aspects about them that made them recognizable but none as stand-outish as Silva.

Ezra and James stood in the cell with a guard, awaiting for M to appear. Sure enough, the sliding doors off to the side of them opened up to reveal M with Tanner behind her. The man of the hour was encased in a glass box, illuminated brightly from the lights inside. Silva sat in the cell, clad in a nicely pressed prison suit. While MI6 had quite the reputation of taking down some of the worst criminals in history, sometimes they liked to treat them nicely. A little too nicely if Ezra had anything to say about it.

M took a breath, stopping as soon as Silva's eyes caught hers. It was like she saw a ghost. Someone who came back from the dead. Ezra and James share a look before fixing their gaze on the man in the cell. It's a little too quiet, only sounds in the room being their light breaths and the far off buzzing of the lights.

"You're smaller than I remember." Silva spoke first. His voice came through from a speaker, his disembodied voice echoed throughout the small chamber they were in. An enclosure Ezra knew he would despise being in if he were in Silva's position but Ezra wasn't the man trying to kill the head of MI6...

M cut back, voice clipped. "Whereas I barely remember you at all." Oh, no. Ezra could tell she did. Perhaps she remembered him a little too well.

"Strange." Silva hummed. "For me, it feels just like yesterday." Then, a smile made its way to the edges of his lips. A creepy one. Perhaps a bit excited for his situation. "Are you surprised?"

"Not particularly. But then, you always were a slippery one." M admitted, eyes trained on Silva to catch every last move he made. She hadn't been in the field in a while but her observational skills never suffered.

Silva let out a huff, a laugh. "Maybe that's why you liked me so much."

"You flatter yourself." M hissed.

Silva nodded slightly, tilting his head to look at the pair of agents off to the side of M. "Right. Because they're your favorites now, aren't they? Hm? Especially that tall one. I can imagine why." His eyes raked across Ezra's form, a dangerously flirtatious glint in his eyes as he stared. It made the agent uncomfortable but he didn't let it show. James' gaze hardened at Silva. Being built to kill only enhanced his protective tendencies. "... They kept me for five months in a room with no air. They tortured me, and I protected your secrets, I protected you. But they made me suffer... and suffer... and suffer." Ezra cocked an eyebrow. Been there, done that. "Until I realized it was you who betrayed me. You betrayed me. So, I had only one thing left: my cyanide capsule. In my back left molar. You remember, right?" MI6 didn't do things like that anymore. If an agent was killed, then he was killed. There weren't many cases of kidnapping agents for information anymore. "So I broke the tooth and bit into the capsule. It burned all my insides. But I didn't die." He let out a light laugh, shaking his head. "Life clung to me like a disease... And then I understood why I had survived... I needed to look in your eyes one last time."

M tried her best to not show any emotion. Even if Ezra could tell there was a storm brewing inside her. "Well, I hope it was worth it." She said simply before she continued, "Mr. Silva, you are going to be transferred to Belmarsh prison where you'll be remanded in custody until the Crown Prosecution Service deem you fit to stand trial for–"

"Say my name." Silva interrupted, the sudden change in his emotion surprised M but she quickly composed herself. "Say it. My real name. I know you remember it."

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