Destiny, Luck or Chance?

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Wukong's POV

I don't know how long it's been...honestly, I lost track of time everytime I observe X-


He has no past, unlike the other two, no name, no family, no origins.

He called himself 'Minsheng' for purposes I do not it would be useless to find his name written in the book of the dead...

Even then it's useless anyway since his past lives didn't also have their names written...

With that limited amount of would be hard to determine how he's reincarnating...

The first few days with him were 'to truly prove he's willing to do anything for the Great Sage' young man himself complied, honestly he's seen monks sacrifice all earthly privileges to achieve Nirvana (right?) so it's fine for him when he has to go through these 'trials'

In actuality, I was just trying to confirm if he was a reincarnation...

If his name isn't in the book of the dead...then perhaps it's a reincarnation similar to my Master?

The Buddha himself controlled the Golden Cicada's reincarnation, thus making it official that he would die 10 times, the whole council had to make a separate book just for him since his reincarnation was special.

Master had the powers of the Golden Cicada, something normal reincarnations don't get, as well as divine power despite that taking over a hundred years to master even for a monk...

Perhaps Minsheng was the same? The similarities were there...everytime he reincarnated, that vision of a monkey keeps showing up in my dreams until I find him...and every reincarnation looks exactly the same as the last...with vastly different aspects...

Perhaps if I were to test his powers it would show a significance?

"Alright, Now, young sir, Do you know how to read? At least?" I asked, knowing this man has never had an education in his life, I wonder if he did. He nodded. "The Master of the House taught me a little, and there's a library I can use to borrow books every now and again so I can practice.."

So self taught sometimes? Maybe the Master didn't want him signing certain documents...then again he's not supposed to, but judging by how lazy this nobleman is, dumping all his documents to Minsheng seems reasonable...

"Ahem, alright then...tell me, can you read this one? It's alright if you can't, it's just the first trial." I reassured, rolling down a parchment Xiong Yi wrote in Zodiacs...honestly even I can't read them...I was glad the book of the dead had been written in Chinese...that would've been embarrassing...

He looked at the parchment carefully, as if struggling to read it. "I told you, don't strain yourself if you can't, it's actually a parchment of paper made by an old scholar-" "This is a recipe for making a very powerful medicine."

I blinked as he spoke those words. "What?"

"I can't really make out some of the words...why does this parchment smell like alcohol?" I coughed as he mentioned that...was I...drinking that much again? Shoot, DBK did tell me to stop that...well kinda hypocritical since he and the Brotherhood did challenge me to 8 barrels worth of wine...once...when...

" that I know what that is...glad thing the Great Sage didn't give you some sort of incantation..." I remarked taking back the parchment and putting it in a small bag which Minsheng bought...dunno why, he thought to give me a gift. "You can read Zodiacs?"

"I can...for some reason...I've never learned how to..."

I paused when he said that, then sighed. " the 2nd trial is more of a gift giving, choose which item suits you better. That way you will be easily identified as a the Great Sage's student...

Reincarnated MK AUWhere stories live. Discover now