The Fourth Life

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Wukong POV

Again that dream

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Again that dream...again this nightmare...
I've had this the fourth time now...there's no pattern...

The first time was...1000 years ago now?
The second one was...maybe 500 years after?

I'm not keeping track anymore...
Minsheng was the last life I've met of Xiong Yi...and that life was severely depressing...buried him here in Flower Fruit Mountain...

Now there's a I guess I gotta deal with this...

To this day I'm still wondering what the dreams mean, why this is happening to me...what am I missing? What do I have these dreams and what do they mean? Why are they constantly warning me of every single life he lives?

Hell why is it when he's already an adult?

But that's not the point...if these dreams are important, then I really need to find him...

I transform into a bird, then fly out of Flower Fruit Mountain...I continue to search for the 4th life while also scouting for demons...demons these days, invading villages...the gods have grown tired of handling the mortal realm...

At least I know what to look for...

Ebony-brown hair, always wearing warm clothes...what else? Usually male? That, and he's always related to some legacy and nobility...

Better find him if it's that important...

Time to find this guy...

Soaring through the sky, I use my gold vision to find anyone that looks suspicious...but what I didn't realize is why I never used it to find him before...

When I received the dream, and used my gold vision I gasped when I saw a thin but faint line guiding me somewhere, swirling across mountains and temples, I spotted a young merchant that looked exactly like him, from there the line was if these dreams were guiding me to him...

But why me...?

I fly on down to the merchant, scanning him, yep...definitely him...ebony-black hair, wears warm-colored clothes or black...his name was Xie Yingjie, which was a very ironic name...

his name was Xie Yingjie, which was a very ironic name

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*Forgive me hats are not my strong suit...

This man was different from the last one...sure his was still kind, saw the good in people but he was very strict...well, he sold jewelry to nobles so that was that...

The man was a force to be reckoned with when it came to price, no takebacks you get what you owe...he would sue anyone till they were bankrupt if they double crossed him and wasn't afraid to pick a fight.

Originally Xie Yingjie was a poor man, using his wits to survive the world, most of the jewelry he sells were made by his bare hands...originally from stealing treasures from thieves...

Because of his background in working so hard to sell his jewels, his price for them is high...causing the nobles to surround him a lot...

I'm currently just observing, but soon trouble came for the poor guy...since he's a famous jewel merchant, bandits come and go at him as they please, I'm having flashbacks to the Journey just by fending them off...

After watching over him for a while, he seemed to notice me on the trees...I on the other hand was transformed into a smaller monkey based off the little monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain, and that's one of the other things that all of Xiong Yi's reincarnations have in common.

"Oh hello there little guy! What are you doing here?"

They all have a fascination for monkeys...

At first I thought it was because they all read my stories, but again, Xiong Yi hadn't even heard of me, and by that time in the Journey, everyone would have heard of 'Sun Wukong the Prideful Monkey who nearly overthrew the Jade Emperor' and they just so happened to come across my story...

Furthermore, Xiong Yi's fascination with monkeys started because his village worshipped a monkey god or something...which is why they're really sacred.

So the reason why every other reincarnation has a fascination on monkeys differ...

Minsheng had a fascination for monkeys because they were cute to him (In a pet sorta way) and because books and most tapestries usually depicted monkeys as intelligent or something...

Then there was Xianbao, who's fascination originated from Xiong Yi, hell there's like a shrine dedicated to me... (Is it still even there?)

So naturally I would come down and perch on his shoulder...ugh...memories...

"Are you lost little one?" One thing lucky about being born a monkey, is that you can pretend to be a little monkey no problemo, especially since your first language is monkey. So I responded with what humans would call 'ooh-ooh aah-ahh'

Though that's a really harmful stereotype, same thing with bananas...

I mean I like bananas...but not all the time!

"Hmm, wanna tag along with me little guy?" And then came along my obsession with jewelry (I try really hard to keep the kleptomania on the low) and stage fright getting the best of me...

In this life, I didn't need to be a mentor, or some friend or deity, I was just regular old 'Monkey' who was Yingjie's pet. Also used for modeling purposes, which doesn't help my stage there's too many...TOO many people looking at me...

But being a travel companion was nice...reminded me of the Journey except it was more peaceful, sure there was the occasional robbery here and scamming there, but no demons kidnapping you and eating you to become immortal. It was just regular old Xie Yingjie and his trusty companion monkey...


Honestly...this life reminded me too much of the Journey and why I was doing all this in the first place...

Xiong Yi...



I miss them...

But even I know things don't's all the same...

They come...they leave...they die...

Reincarnated MK AUWhere stories live. Discover now