Chapter 13

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As I sit in the cell, feeling a mix of frustration and anxiety, the other Zehra surprises me by handing me my repaired communication device. "I fixed it for you," she says, her voice surprisingly gentle.

I take the device in my hands, examining it closely. It looks as good as new. "Thank you," I reply, genuinely grateful for the gesture.

With the device now in working order, I immediately try to contact Brimstone. "Brim, are you there?" I speak into the device, hoping for a response.

After a moment of static, Brimstone's voice crackles through the line. "Zehra? You're alive! Where are you?"

"I'm still at the Omega base," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady.

There's a pause on the other end, and I can almost feel the weight of Brimstone's concern. "Zehra, we had to leave. It was too dangerous to stay any longer. I'm just glad your alive, what's your status?"

I take a deep breath and speak into the communication device again. "I'm okay. I'm in a holding cell, but they haven't harmed me."

"Thank goodness you're safe, Zehra. We were all worried about you. Are you sure you're okay? Any injuries?"

I look up to see the other Zehra standing outside my cell, her expression serious and determined. She starts making hand motions and facial suggestions, silently communicating her plan to me. The plan.

I can hear the concern in his voice, and it warms my heart to know that my team is looking out for me. "I swear, I'm okay, no injuries," I reply. "But, the other me, she needs our help. She's not evil, Brim. She's just trying to protect her world, just like we are. I swear! I just know I can trust her. I think, no, we think we have a way to resolve this peacefully."

Brimstone's voice turns skeptical. "Peacefully? Zehra, you know how dangerous these people are. We can't trust them. It's a miracle you're not dead, kid."

"I know it's risky," I reply, "but the other Zehra, the one from their world, she explained to me that her people are desperate. They need our radiant to survive. They're facing extreme environmental conditions, and without our help, their population will die."

Brimstone lets out a frustrated sigh. "Zehra, I understand that they may be desperate, but we can't just hand over our radiant to them. We have to think about the safety of our world first and foremost. Think of all the damage they've caused us. The innocents killed in the process, it's not that easy."

"I know that, Brim, but if we can find a way to work together, to find a solution that benefits both our worlds, it could be worth it, we could try having them move to our world," I say earnestly.

Brimstone hesitates for a moment before responding. "I'll consider it, Zehra, but I can't make any promises. It's very complicated."

"I understand, Brim. Just please, think about it. I believe there's a chance for peace, for understanding," I say, trying to appeal to his sense of reason.

I turned off my communication device with a beep, leaving Brimstone with new information of my whereabouts.

I watch as the door to my cell creaks open, and the other Zehra stands before me, her expression unreadable. She gestures for me to follow, and I comply, stepping out into the dimly lit corridor. We walk through the base, and I can't help but notice the curious glances and whispered conversations that follow us. Clearly, news of my presence has spread among the Omega Earth agents.

Finally, we reach a room where their Brimstone is waiting. He eyes me with suspicion and a touch of hostility as I approach. I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm and composed as I face him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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