Welcome to Rainbow Six

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     As Flint swung his iron head sledge hammer, I had only two things on my mind: the hostage, and my fellow squad members. I was part of an elite hostage rescue group, known as Rainbow Six. There was just four of us in Rainbow Six: Flint, Jim, Spark, and me, Hawk.

     Flint is our muscle. He always breached doors and walls. Jim is our mission planner. Jim is in charge of locating, and dealing with the hostage before and after the mission. Spark was our tactical man. Following the breach, he tossed a flash bang to stun the enemies, or a smoke grenade. Finally, I was the point man. I carried only a pistol and a shield, instead of everyone else's ACR machine guns, and I followed Spark's tactical grenade to lead the attack.

     The door cracked open and Spark tossed a flash bang to stun the enemies. Once I heard the crack of the flash, I charged in, using my Glock to kill the first enemy in the room.

     I motioned to my squad to come in, and we split in groups of two, our usual two. I went with Jim to the basement, and Spark and Flint went upstairs. The plan was for us to center into the ground level gym, where Jim said the hostage was. According to Jim's search using drones before the mission, there are five terrorists, so four more are left.

     Once in the basement, we started cautiously checking every corner and every wall for a surprise attack. The silence that was created was out of the ordinary. Usually missions like these require the utmost communication, but I found the silence peaceful.

     The silence was broken by the sound of ear-splitting gunshots we heard from upstairs. It sounded like an AK-47, which is I guess is what the terrorist are using. I heard an ACR join in soon after, and gun exchanges between two people don't usually end well for one person. The silence took over the gunshots, and I radioed into Flint.

     "Flint, Spark, check in!", I near screamed into my radio. "Flint! Spark! Che-", my words were cut off by more gunshots of an ACR. My men were shooting first this time.
     "Flint?" I tried to reconfirm for the last time.
     "We confirmed three kills, 3 terrorist kills.", I heard him on the other side.
     "And you two OK?" I asked.
     "We're as good as you could be when your life is in the hands of a terrorist group, so I guess you could say we're absolutely peachy!" Flint says sarcastically.
     "Very funny flint." Jim retorted.

     Eventually, we all met up out side of the gym, which was barricaded beyond our wildest thoughts. I let my shield fall to the ground, and pulled another Glock out of my second holster, ready to take down the final terrorist, and rescue the hostage.

     Going in through the doors wouldn't be an option, so we went in through the wall. Flint brought out an explosive breach charge, and armed it on the bullet hole ridden wall. We lined up with Jim and I on the left of the charge, and Spark and Flint on the right. I signaled to Flint in front of me and he blew the charge.

     Flint charged in first, then Jim, then Spark and I. By the time I could even see through the smoke of the explosion, the terrorist was already dead and Jim was already moving towards the squirming, tied up hostage. We couldn't afford to untying her, just for her to give us more trouble

     We took the hostage to our Rainbow Six van, used for transporting us. It's a normal black van, with bullet proof everything, with the words Rainbow Six across both sides, and four stars.


     Instead of going back to a normal police station, we station at the Ghosts Headquarters, owned by the Ghosts Private Army. There are two known divisions of Ghosts: Rockets, who are in charge of air strikes, and Phoenixes, who are the infantry and ground units of the Ghosts. However we are the secret, unknown to the general public division. We are Rainbow Six.

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