Beginning of the End

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     I tossed Hesh the dinner roll I hadn't eaten yet.

     "Is that all you were able to get about Z?" I asked, sitting at a desk overlooking the cells.

     "He's still alive, somewhere here in D.C., and apparently has something to do with the Laughing Coffins." Hesh said, looking at the ground, and took a big bite of his roll.

     There was a long moment of silence, until I stood up, pushed in my chair, and went to Hesh's cell. He was sitting in the back on a small bench we supplied, and didn't even look up as I unlock his cell. Before he could even notice to thank me, I grab my unsweetened tea, and walk back down the hall towards the main door.

     I didn't return to the meal. I simply went back to the Rainbow Six building. It's been a long day, with the mission, everything with Zephyr, and Hesh. I took a cold shower, and peacefully went to sleep.

     I was awaken by Spark, while it was still dark. He told me about a siege we have to go on immediately. I quickly got up and put on my gear. White undershirt, black pants, vest, helmet, and boots. I've done that order so many times its second nature now, and I can do it in under a minute. I run over to the main headquarters to get the mission brief from Merrick. I was surprised to see the rest of Rainbow Six already in the mission room. Luckily, they waited for me to start.

     "We just got a call from a scared resident. They said the house next to them has heavily armed men shooting around, and they saw a large electronic device through a broken window, before it was boarded up." Merrick stated, waiting for Jim to analyze the situation and come up with an attack plan, like he always does.

     "It sounds like more than a few, obviously. Maybe five to ten. If they boarded that window, they must have boarded other doors and windows too. I say we attack from 4 angles. The house is two floors, and the top floor is where the electronic is. Sounds like it's in the corner of the house, given the window into the room." Jim stated. I'm always amazed at the amount of information he can draw from one call. His information is usually pretty accurate, too. 

     "Spark, you will climb up to the roof, plant a charge on the opposite corner room, and clear that room. Flint, you'll go in through the garage, take a sledge hammer." Flints eyes lit up when he heard that.

     "Hawk, you'll go in through a window leading into the room adjacent to the target room, but no shield this time. As for me, I'll head in through a vent on the side of the building, and supply tactical gas support. Gassing the target room, as long as the electronic isn't sensitive to it, could either blind or choke and potential enemies in the room. Once everyone breaches at the same time, we close in on the target room, sweeping any other rooms of enemies. Our plan is to bottleneck them in the target room, then go in there from two sides. Roof and door. Trigger explosives on the door, and while they're searching through the smoke, blow the roof and drop down. We can use RC drones beforehand to locate any obstacles or enemies we couldn't plan for." Jim finally finished, took a sip of water, and waited for someone else to speak.

     "Ok. Let's take the big rig. We can use the installed armory and drone deployment system on that to plan our attack. We'll give our location away immediately when we pull up though. We'll need to watch for shooters in the window." I said, closing our planning phase. Merrick volunteered to drive the rig, and we gladly accepted.

     We load into the rig, the only thing we need was Flints sledgehammer. Once we're all on, Merrick starts it up, and we close the back doors.

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