Black Friday

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     Jim came out of the Hostage Recovery Room, after reviewing the interrogation tapes, and I wrapped up my conversation with Hesh and Merrick. On days we have missions and we are still back at a reasonable time, we have a special dinner. Tonight, Spark and Jim were cooking pasta and homemade sauce.

     After dinner, we all kicked back in our lounging area again. Jim was on his laptop, I assume emailing William and Eric for an update on the war. Spark was reading some book, as usual. Flint was playing some game on his phone, and I was about to doze off on the couch. We don't really have a sleep schedule, since we always have to be on call incase something happens. I finally fall asleep, in full gear.

The Next Day

     I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. Jim, who was already pouring coffee for himself, Spark, and Flint, walked over to the phone and answered it. He put it on speaker so we could all hear it.
     "Hello?" Jim lead with.

     "Hey, this is Merrick. Hesh just got because of an issue at the mall. They said there were four men, all with hoodies and masks, robbing a bank with hostages."

     "That sounds like the Laughing Coffins, judging by their outfits, should we go?" Jim replied while Flint, Spark, and I started gearing up.

     "Meet me and William at the Phoenix Headquarters as soon as possible." Merrick replied, hanging up the phone.

     We all met up fully armed in the Phoenix Headquarters. William was briefing his ten or so men. Merrick quickly told us we would be snipers, and they would be ground units. All the Phoenix are going to box in the four terrorists, then we would take them out with sniper rifles. Time was still ticking away so we quickly board a dispatch helicopter and take flight.

     Once we are in position, on the roof of the mall, we get sight of the four terrorists. I radio into William and tell them to advance.

     The Phoenix men, 5 on each side of the large hall, start boxing in the terrorists, who start threatening to execute hostages. Among us four, we quickly decide who will aim for who, and we start aiming accordingly. Spark and Jim are on the other side of the triangular glass roof, and me and Flint are on this side. The four terrorists are moving very quickly and it's hard to get a clear shot, especially with the hostages in play.

     I finally get a clear shot, and I try to hold as long as possible. We have to shoot all at once, or it could jeopardize the mission, and our men. 

     "Target one, check" I quietly say into the radio.

     "Target two, check" Flint responds.

     "Target three, negative" Spark whispers quietly.

     "Target four, check" Jim checked in.

       I continued to try to keep aim, until I heard the radio turn on again.

     "Target two, negative" Flint said emotionlessly.

     This went on for too long, targets going in and out, and the Laughing Coffins were about to execute a hostage.

     "Hawk, code 'Blood Oath'" Merrick tells me over the radio, and I quickly spring into action. I set down my sniper rifle, and pull out my normal Glock pistol that I use on missions, the Fire Crusader. It's a normal Glock with gold plating around the edges. I run up the side of the triangle and put two suction cup handles on the small glass pane on the top. I pull out my compact electric blow torch and melt away the bindings hold the window in place. The window finally comes loose and I use the handles to pull it out of of position. I set up my repelling station and hook in.

     I hook myself into the repelling station and draw my second Glock, the Gold Cavalier. The only thing special about it is the trigger is gold plated.

     "Hawk, be careful" Flint warns me.

     "Just keep aimed on your target" I reassured him. Flint wasn't joking. I'm used to using a shield, and that allows me to go Rambo on missions. I sit on the metal bindings and let my feet dangle in the newly created hole in the roof. Then, without thinking too much, I slide in.

     The repelling station is made to let me go down slowly, and in that time, I remain unnoticed by the four terrorists. I land in the middle of them all with their backs facing me. I put away my Fire Crusader and draw a knife. Swiftly, I stab the knife into a terrorists shoulder blade, and whip around while drawing my other Glock. Again, in another fluid motion, I kick one in the knee and shoot the other two.

     I run over the the one I just kicked, on the ground now, and put my foot on his chest, while aiming a gun at him and the one I stabbed at the beginning. The one I stabbed fell lifeless on the ground, and the other was still trying to get free, but instead, I body pin him and request backup.

     Once back at the station, it was time to relax again. This time, I took off all my gear, and got down to a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. I was sitting in my room, while the other guys were showering, because Friday night was when all the Ghost sectors got together for a big family meal. I finally mustered up enough energy to take a shower, and clean off all my sweat and cuts.

     I was all cleaned up and watching TV when there was a phone call. Jim and Spark were out playing basketball with some Rocket members, and Flint was out at the Ghosts gym, in the main headquarters. I pick up the phone, and Merrick's voice sounded urgent.

     "Is Hawk there? Put Hawk on the phone."

     "It's me, what's going on" I reply, cautiously.

     "Come to the main interrogation room immediately." Merrick said, and hung up the phone.

     I rush over to the Main Headquarters and go into the interrogation area, where Merrick is waiting. He lets me into the room where the terrorist we took today was sitting. The man was handcuffed to the table, with cameras in every corner of the room. It took me a second to get it, but then it hit me. That man wasn't a random terrorist. That man was Alex Stevenson, the former leader of the Shark Division of the Ghosts.

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