The Original Six

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     We unload the hostage at our usual drop-off point around back of the Rainbow Six Headquarters, and Jim goes in with her to take her to the quarantine room.  The rest of us go around front to the Ghost Headquarter's entrance. The giant skull and our age old motto on the back wall was the first thing you saw as you walked in, as it was painted very largely.
     "Strike in silence, disappear," Flint muttered. "When was the last time we actually stayed true to that motto?"
       Spark and I looked at him in disbelief that he would say something like that. It's true though. Some people in the Rocket division of the Ghosts wonder why we have four members and 4 stars on the truck, yet still call ourselves the Rainbow Six. The think maybe there used to be 6 "Rainbow" squads and we were the last, but they would be wrong. It's far more detailed than that.

3 Years Earlier

     "Alright Flint, knock it down," I tell Flint, to kickoff the mission and break the old and rotten front door. Z, our call taker told us about this one. He said there were 4 hostages in an old abandoned building. Thatch, our point, ran in first. He was quick and a good shot, so he earned that position.

     We immediately split into two squads and checked the entire building. On my squad, there was Thatch, Spark, and I. On the other was Flint, Z, and Jim. My squad found nothing and met back at the door. Apparently neither did the other squad. Immediately we all turn to Z, who told us about the mission. As we did, him and Thatch raised their ACRs to point at Spark and I. We were putting our hands in the air, when we heard multiple gunshots coming from Flint, or Jim, behind us. Thatch fell lifelessly to the ground.

     "Z, we were all high school friends...what the hell?!" I plead to Z, who now has 3 guns pointed at him. "We signed up for this together. We all wanted this!" I plead again.

     "This was your dream Hawk, not mine," Z said emotionless and still. Flint, Spark, Jim, and I all look at each other, and when we look back, the blinding shock of a flash bang erupted and no one saw as Z ran away. We didn't know what to do about Thatch, so we put him in the van with us, where Spark and Jim rode on the way back to the station. Flint drove while I used our laptop we keep in the van to check for any more available jobs. I knew the team probably wouldn't be up for another job right after that, but per orders by Hesh and Merrick, I was required to check.

     When we got back to the station, I told Hesh and Merrick what happened. Our van had six stars, but after that day, Hesh got his little brother Logan to scrape off two of the stars.

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