The Laughing Coffins

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2022; Present Day

     The entire Ghosts headquarters is like a big tree. There is a square courtyard in the middle, surrounded by the Ghosts headquarters, which are 4 giant buildings. On the northern side of the courtyard, there is the Main War building, where Hesh, Merrick, and countless others live and work.

     On the eastern side of the courtyard is the Phoenix headquarters. The Phoenix are the ground forces of the Ghost Private Army. They are commanded by William Ranger, a good friend of mine. On the western side of the Courtyard lays the Rocket headquarters. The Rocket are the air and space forces of the army, commanded by Eric Allison.

     Finally, on the south side of the courtyard is the Rainbow Six headquarters. Our building consists of an interrogation room, where we pretty much check if the hostage is alright. We also have a common room, where all of our offices are, and the lounging area is. We also have a board room, with enough chairs for all the officers of the Ghosts. Finally we have the dorms, which are actually pretty big. They are pretty much houses for each of us.

     We all met in the lounging area, while Jim checked the hostage. I claimed an entire couch to myself, and sprawled out, while Spark and Flint each just took one of our chairs and foot rests. The Ghosts are given a budget by the Government, since we are an anti-terrorist association. Rainbow Six pretty much have everything we need to sustain our selves, so we spend almost all of our budget on deluxe meals and our lounging area. It's actually pretty nice.

     We all met in high school, and are really close friends. Spark is probably the best looking of us all. At 21, he's pretty much at his prime age. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. He also has a thin, well kept, scruffy beard. He doesn't look particularly muscular but also not scrawny by anyone's standards. He's almost 6 feet, but not quite.

     Flint is 22, with a little bit thicker beard than Spark. He is noticeably muscular with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He's a little shorter than Spark. Unlike Flint, Jim is very scrawny looking. Jim is the tallest of us all, at six feet, two inches. He looks weak, but he is very quick and strong. Jim has deep green eyes and extremely blond hair. Jim has no beard, or any sign of ever getting one, but he is also the youngest member, at only 19. He was a mere 15 when the whole deal with Thatch and Z happened. We still don't know where Z is, after all these years.

     Finally, me. I have small signs of getting a beard, but probably not for a a while. I have almost black eyes, but not in a creepy way. I have jet black hair that is straight and comes down to almost the bottom of my neck. I'm the shortest one out of everyone. I'm also the oldest, and the leader of the Rainbow Six, at 23

     After Jim is done checking the rescued hostage, we turn her over to the higher-ups at the Ghost headquarters. We all decide to walk over there, since we have nothing else to do. When we walk in, we go back to the main offices of Hesh, Logan, and Merrick. They all started the Ghost Army years ago, probably while I was in middle school. Jim turns the hostage over to Logan, Hesh's little brother, who deals with the rescued people from missions.

     The whole army was formed after a large attack in Washington D.C., so Hesh, Logan, and Merrick, who were all in the Special Missions Unit of the army, formed a little private foundation to fight solely against terrorists. Over the 9 years they've been in operation, they've expanded to 3 sections: Phoenix, Rocket, and Rainbow Six. There used to be a Shark section, who dealt with oceanic things, but over the years, there wasn't a need for that anymore, so we took over the building.

    In the last 3 years, a new terrorist group has formed known as the Laughing Coffins, with an unknown leader. While Rainbow Six deals with all the actions of the group, Phoenix and Rocket have been trying to find the leader for years. It's turned into a war between the Ghosts and the Laughing Coffins.

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