That crazy night at the bar ( Bucky x Nat)

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It's late at night, music was blasting, lights in every direction. You could barely see anything but the shadows of couples dancing in the background of the club.

"Come Nat it's gonna be fun! " a young brunette girl wearing a red thigh length dress yelled over the blasting music
"Ok let's do this, btw Wanda you look good!" said Nat wearing black leather thigh length dress
"Yeah I agree!'" yelled a blonde girl wearing a silk dark blue dress
"There you Sharon, we were about to get back to the table with the drinks!" Yelled Wanda
"Then let's get this party started!" Yelled Nat walking over to the booth where they shared with Steve a tall masculine blonde and blue eyes, Vision another tall blonde and blue eyed man to his right, and to his left was a tall masculine brunette and ocean blue eyes but yet shortest of the men. Steve was wearing a white button up dress shirt with black slacks, Vision was wearing a red shirt with brown dress pants and Bucky was wearing a black leather jacket with jeans.
"Hi sweetheart" Steve said kissing Sharon on the cheek and then entering the booth as well as Wanda with vision
"Hi doll" Bucky said sarcastically towards Natasha like the rest had been. She said down next to Bucky
"James" Natasha said bluntly said bin her thick accent
"What's got your panties in a twist?" Bucky causally said
"Tonight's gonna be a long night" Natasha said dryly taking a shot and slamming in on the table.
"Let's party!" Wanda yelled making everyone laugh.

Many drinks later everyone was drunk as hell. Sharon and Steve were whispering sweet nothings in each others ears, Vision was admiring his wife being the designated driver chatting with a drunk bucky daring him in his state, Nat and Wanda was dancing on the floor. Moments later a strong figure stood behind nat resting hands on her waist. A cold and warm hand. Continuing the rhythm of the dance
"Hi doll" Bucky smoothly saying
"James" Nat replied unconsciously grinding on Bucky making him groan. Something takes over him in his drunken state leaning down moving her hair graciously out of the way nibbling at her neck making her whimper, the sound going straight to his dick letting a groan leave is mouth. Hearing that come out of his mouth it made Natasha grind into him more making a whisper of a moan slip out.
"What are you doin'?" Bucky questioned Natasha as she turned to face him
"Nothing, just relax, you can do that right baby?" Natasha said seductively slipping out.
Bucky questioned what she meant until she looking around making sure no one is looking around the dance floor before palming him in her hands making him groan at the touch. Continuing, she unbuckled his belt zipping down his fly for access reaching down to grab his aching dick moaning softly when she squeezed it.
"You like that soldier?" Nat said seductively
"Oh god yes" Bucky whimpering. He felt this pleasure for about a good while until she stopped
"Wha-" Bucky confusedly asked but cut off when Nat said
"We should head back to the group" Nat said with a sly smirk

Hours go by just chatting and drinking about past memories until suddenly Natasha felt a hand land on her thigh, looking up to a smirking Bucky
"Act natural doll, don't want any noticing so we " Bucky causally said with a sly smirk plastered to his face acting like he's listening to the conversation
"Bitch" Nat whisper yelled
Bucky chuckled "No no no this isn't my fault, it's yours"
"Huh?,what do you mean?" Nat asked confused
"The little stunt you pulled on the dance floor touching my cock infront of everyone, just imagine if I did that do you..... I bet you'd be dripping at my touch wouldn't you" Nat whimpered at the thought. Reaching upwards in her thigh making her hitch her breath when Bucky was closer to her clit getting a confused look from Wanda but then shaking it off.
"Want me to continue baby?, cause I can do this all night" Bucky purred in nats ear, creeping further and further to her clit making her moan when he started palming her. Trying to keep a straight face and then suddenly by reaching her hand towards his crouch but instead of palming she would continue what she did on the dance floor and unzipped his fly freeing his straining cock. He gasped.
"Watcha doin' doll" Bucky questioned calmly
"Just havin' some fun, y'know" Nat replied stroking his dick having soft whimpers and moans leave one another's mouths until Nat thought of the most wicked way to torture him.
"Excuse me guys I'm gonna go to the ladies room be right back" Nat said addressing the group. Everyone nodded returning to the conversation leaving Bucky confused in thought.

2 can play at that's James thought Nat going to the bathroom to only lock the bathroom. She walks around relaxed after that intense moment in the booth. She pulls out the phone pointing it at the mirror and pulling her dress down revealing a little something more and a little extra then hurrying back to the group not seeming to suspicious to see James reaction.

Natasha comes back from the bathroom with a smirk plastered on her face. I ask her what's wrong and she just shakes me off making me more confused until I get a message in my phone from Natasha. And OH MY GOD I thought when I saw 3 photos and a video of Nat in a bunch of positions like 1 a view of her beautiful chest showing her breasts on full display imagining what it would take like. Second one is her fuckin' pussy on display through the mirror. The last photo being her one leg is stretch over the counter with everything on display and I mean everything. The thought of those could make me cum in the spot but then I clicked on the video with no sound of course, is her on a chair facing the camera that I can on assume is leaning against the mirror. I watch it, I watch Natasha fucking Romanoff fingering her self and I'm watching making me become horny watching this having a moan slip and I get a look by Steve asking if evert is ok and I confirm it and death stare Natasha.
"You ok there doll" Natasha mockingly said
"You almost made me cum doll" I whispered making Natasha grin with a devilish look in her face that meant trouble "what are you up to?" She didn't say a word only slipping down under the table with no one noticing which isn't surprising. "Doll?" I whispered until I made a gasp when felt a warm mouth start to suck my dick making me grab her hair pushing her further down. She continues sucking and grips my thighs, she feels me cum in her mouth and swallows making me speechless. She slowly gets back with no one realising she left and carried in like nothing happened. That woman surprises me

A/N: hope this is good

(1211 words)

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