A Burnt Omelette (Tony x Pepper)

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(This is sorta when they were in the cabin home with Morgan is what I'm imagining)


The sun was peeking through blinds shinning bright enough to make a man go blind. Birds chirping like a melody, wind bristling against the white cotton silk curtain and light snoring from an auburn hair and blue eyed woman lying next to a brunette and brown eyed man cuddling together like puzzle pieces. Everything was quiet until a small brunette girl giggling down the hall ,small thumps hitting the wooden floor. The closer she got the louder the giggle got waking up the brunette man hearing the door of his room creek open slowly revealing a small child in her pjs holding one of her toys making him smile. Quietly gesturing for the little girl to come here quietly. Making her laugh stepping over to the man with messy hair.


I wake up to the to sound of tiny giggles and loud thumps getting louder, I sit up in bed and looking at the door slowly opening to reveal my daughter smiling widely with her toy clutched to her hand making me smile. I look over my shoulder to see my wife asleep on her stomach hair everywhere drooling and being adorable. I gesture to my awake daughter to come here.
"Morgan come here" I whispered watching her do her little walk I've too my side of the bed
"Daddy is mommy awake?" She said quietly tripping on her words making it that much adorable
"No sweety but how bout we make mommy some breakfast and surprise her huh?!" I said excitedly for sure knowing it would make her excite with glee.
"Yah" she said giddy, shushing her so she wouldn't wake her mother
"Gotta be quiet so mommy can sleep, can ya do that for me?" I said rubbing my nose against hers.
"Ok daddy!" She said happy
"Ok come let's go make something what would you like to make sweety?" I asked
"Omwets and waffuls" she said
"Ok omelettes and waffles it is" I confirmed placing her on the counter to get the ingredients to start making breakfast.


I wake up to the sun searing through the window making me scrunch my eyes from the sunlight.
Turing over to snuggle with my husband I reach over to feel a cold spot where he lies indicating he's been gone for a while. I smell the fresh air to only be met with the smell of burning food. Wait. Burning food, why is there food burning.
"Oh god, please don't tell me Tony is cooking, he's gonna burn the place down" I whispered groaning at the thought of him burning the while place down. I walk down the hall to see Morgan watching cartoons, so I start to approach her and she see me and leaps with joy towards me.
"Happy Mother's Day mommy!!" Morgan yelled hugging me tight.
"Good morning bubs, how'd you sleep?" I yawned
"Good" She replied, I squish her cheeks in her adorableness" now where's you're daddy?" I asked only in concern with seeing her daughter watching tv with her father not in sight.
"In the kitchen mommy, but he burnt the omelette and waffles tho" she explained with a frown with hunger.
"I'll go get you some breakfast baby, be right back" is at walking towards the kitchen.
"Ok!" She said happily returning to the cartoons on the tv


Pepper walks into the kitchen to Tony "cooking" their breakfast.
"Oh hi honey didn't see you there, happy Mother's Day, I made breakfast!" Tony said cheerfully achieved making breakfast for the 3
"Oh honey is this where you've been all morning?" Pepper asked "It looks great hun" pepper said through smiling
"It's ok honey, even Morgan doesn't want the waffles" tony sarcastically said pretending to be hurt
"How bout. We...." Pepper wrapped her arms around Tony's neck leaning their heads together "Cook together and make breakfast that's us actually edible and our kid will actually eat" fluttering her eyes through her eyelashes.
"Yeah about that......" Tony trailed off
"What did you do tony?" Pepper sternly said
" nothing!" Tony replied quickly
"Daddy burnt the kitchen!" Morgan said innocently "what!" Pepper freaked find out this information
"Hense why I made the omelet" Tony explained  calmly
"Bought" Morgan mumbled 
"You're supposed to be on my side!.....Ok, but at least try my omelette. Please?" Tony asked nicely
"It's burnt Tony." Pepper bluntly expressed
"It took me 2 hours pep, come on" Tony bargained
"Come let's order breakfast" pepper yelled getting the toddler's attention.
"Dad's buying right?!" Morgan confirmed
"Yes of course honey " pepper confirmed laughing
"Hey! come on I'm always buying " Tony said slightly offended
"Of course, you're the one with the money" pepper said laughing giving Tony a peck on his lips getting interrupted by a little girl patting their legs.
"Hey I'm here!" Morgan said annoyed being ignored
"Of course come here" pepper and tony cheerfully smiled picking up their daughter for a family hug.
"Ok now I want some actual food daddy!" Morgan demanded being a hangry toddler.

A/N: Ok I know this is very short but I think it's cute Tony making food for pepper instead of making something for 2 hours just to tell her something and especially with Morgan 😀 idk I just think it's cute in my opinion ig, please give your honest feedback I want to improve

(913 words)

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