Date Night (Steve x Bucky)

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sTEVE pOv:

Candles were lit, rose petals along the ground, cutlery and plates aligned perfectly on the table across from one another. Everything was prefect. Dinner and drinks were at stand by, everything was where it should have been so nothing could go wrong. Now all I could do was wait till he arrives.......

No pressure tonight.....Right? Would he say what I've been dying to hear for the past 2 years? Am I doing this too early? Or have already ruined it by not doing it sooner? .....Oh god why do I do this.....

I look in the mirror making sure I looked good for him. Full dark blue suit rug around my biceps, it being too tight but just right. I straighten out my jacket. I wait till he comes home anticipating his arrival.


It was a quiet afternoon and Bucky and I were just lounging around on the couch in our apartment. Bucky head was resting on my thigh facing tv while his arms were wrapped around my waist as I play with his fluffy hair. Surprisingly he stayed awake me cuddling while we watched how to train your dragon. Natasha suggested it to us a movie series to watch as we haven't seen much since the 40s. I'm not used it like I was going to movie theatres but it's nice for something different for a change. I like dragon with the black scales, cause his kind had gotten along with the humans and it was very intriguing to see the bond between rider and companion. My thoughts wonder as my fingers thread through buckys hairs. I seamed to have pulled his hair slightly as I was lost in thoughts hearing a slight groan of discomfort. I look down in my lap at a peaceful Bucky curled up in my side clutching onto me like a teddy bear, scared to lose it the second it's out of arms reach. I smile at that thought knowing that I'm able to lull him to sleep by a touch and trusting me to sleep. I wish this could last forever but I have plans for us later and I want this as a surprise but he looks so peaceful.

How am I gonna tell him? Say "hey you gotta go for a couple hours and you can't ask why" cause that's not suspicious at all....oh well hear it goes.....

"Buck Baby" I rub along his back slowly up and down to calmingly wake him.

"Mhmm?" He hums half asleep, slowly but surely waking up. "Did something happen?"

"No no, I just need to do something and I kinda need ya out of the house for a bit. Okay?" I look at him with pleading eyes to compromise with me.

"M'kay...." He mumbles quietly, slowly getting up from cuddling me and yawning. "What time am I leaving?" He asks calmly.

"Around 5:50 if possible. Before then I gotta organise some stuff so can you entertain yourself?" I plead before waiting for an answer.

"I'm sure I can be entertained..." Buckys mumbles while having a huge smirk staring straight at me.

I shake my head in amusement and start to move off the couch so I could get ready for this evening until I'm pulled back into a kiss. I melt into the kiss humming in the sweet taste of buckys lips.


After a while I have everything planned down to the minute so nothing could go wrong. I check the time to be 5:44 so i still have time to my self so I decide to grab my sketchbook and draw for the time being. I sketch my shield of all things, drawing off sections of it drawing each of my memories of buck. I get half way drawing Bucky in his howling commandos uniform, focusing on his hair details. Furrowing my brows as I do trying to get his the certain way he used to before he had to grow it out. Which I don't mind at all. I can still tug at it so I'm happy about.

10 minutes later I realise the time is now 5:55 and I'm running late in my schedule. I rush out of my spot to run into the closet, bending over and grabbing my shoes, and jeans from the bottom draw. As I'm grabbing my clothes and shoes I don't realise Bucky walking in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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