"A Romantic Blind Date" (Bucky x Steve)

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A/N: I really hope you guys enjoy 😀


It was a quiet afternoon at the park, birds chirping and ducks in the pond. A perfect day for a picnic. Kids were running around the playground squealing and yelling, doing normal kid things as their parents watched. Steve was sitting on his phone in a nice button up shirt with jeans on waiting for his blind date Natasha supposedly set him up saying it was a great idea to get back into dating. Time passed and he started to worry thinking his date had stood him up so he waited another 10 minutes then deciding to leave. The 10 minutes came to and end and he started to leave until a deep voice called out to him to stop.

"Wait!" A tall muscular brunette in a black button up shirt and jeans showing off his curves, yelling at Steve panting as he caught his breath in-front of him. "I'm so sorry I'm late. Steve right?" The brunette said with a toothing grin
"Yeah and you must be James?" Steve asked confirming
"Yes and I'd love to get to know you a lot more doll" James said flirtatiously sending a wink towards Steve. Steve blushes at the nickname. "That a yes doll?" James chuckled smiling at the fact he already made the blonde blush after being 20 minutes or more late.
"Yes" Steve said smiling. They started walking down the pathway throughout the park talking about all things good.


I walk with James through the park listening to his husky voice speak about all the things he loved like cooking,sports and etc but his love for plums made me giggle. How could a man love plums that much. Haha. We kept talking about our childhood and family, laughing at the fact we would've been good friends if we met as children.

"So?" I asked him awkwardly
"So what?" He replied
"I was thinking" I continued
"About what?" James teasingly said more and more curious at the thought of the blondes idea.
"I say, we find a spot in the shade and eat the food I packed for the date and talk more?" I suggest to the man in-front of me
"Of course" he says sending me a too thing grin.
I let out a sign of relief walking over to the perfect spot in the park to place the food down. I place the blanket and food down gesturing to James to sit and he proceeds.
"Mhmmm" I say biting into the jam biscuits I made earlier. I hear James chuckle. "What?" I asked, food in my mouth. "Oh damn sorry" I say trying to eat my food quicker.
"It's just funny how you're in heaven with the food you made, I should be doing that" James said chuckling.
"Eh I make good food" I say proud of the jam biscuit


I laugh at the goofiness of a man in-front of me thinking how lucky I am to have gotten a date with this hunk of a man. Glad I did.
I listen to Steve talk about his life side tracking and adding other stories that pop into his head which I adore. Just the thought of him doing that makes me feel funny. A good feel. I stare into his eyes. His eyes make me feel at peace, forgetting about all about the bad I've done in my past. Steve is so understanding he didn't judge me when I told him about my past which was so heartwarming, wishing I could just wrap my arms around him and never let go.

"Hey doll?" I asked Steve pulling him out of his train of thought when telling the story.
"Yeah?" He asked intrigued
"I wanna try somethin'" I say slowly letting my thick Brooklyn accent slip through
"Ok?"he says confused
"Close your eyes" he does as I say. "Okay" i mumble leaning across the picnic blanket unsure if I should go through with this. So I proceed and lean forward cupping him chin in my left arm, right arm leaning on Steve leg for support. I stop to admire his features up close, slowly falling for  him each second I see him. I lean forward and connect our lips closing my eyes as I kiss him passionately. He puts one of his hands around my waist and one behind my head and we continue kissing until our breath gives out

"That was somethin'" I say dazed by the amazing kiss I had before me
"Indeed it was" Steve says staring at me
"We should do this again" Steve whispered leaning his forehead against mine
"Indeed" I say chuckling repeating his answer to what I said earlier.

A/N: hey guys I don't know what to exactly  what I wrote but I hope you like and like I said if you have a requests go for and request 😀😅

(828 words)

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