Stuckys Wonderful Day (Bucky x Steve)

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As the sun started to set over the city, guests all gathered in their assigned seats.  Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were getting ready getting nervous like any other couple on their wedding day. The ceremony was held in a beautiful outdoor venue, decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Bucky was getting ready in a sleek, black suit and Steve was getting in a classic navy suit. Steve was standing at the front of the isle standing next to his best man Tony Stark  (since he paid for the wedding and the honeymoon it was only fitting in his opinion).
"You ready Steve?" Tony asked
"Yeah just nervous, but I don't regret a thing till this day" Steve replied confidently
On the other side was his soulmate, his lover standing on the other side. Bucky's best man was none other than Sam Wilson patting him on the back congratulating him in his big day.
"You scare man" Sam asked Bucky
"No, I'm marrying the man of my dreams" Bucky said smiling.

As everyone gathered the ceremony started
"Hi guys, can we all please settle down, thank you" the minster said addressing the church "We are gathered here today to bring together this couple that are in love. Before I proceed if there any objections to why this married couple shouldn't be together speak now or forever hold the truth"
"Come on, who wouldn't want these 2 love birds together" yelled a red head in the front
"Ok proceeding" continued the minister "now can the groom wanting to go first please start"
"Ok, I'll go first." Steve said confirming


I took a deep breath, pulling out a note and calmly started my vows
" Buck the first time I saw you I just knew we would be best friends forever. Not only was I lucky enough for you being my best friend I got you as my lover and my soulmate. I've have yearned for someone to love and one to love me, not realising the love I had for you till I heard the news of your death in 1945 thinking I lost you forever." I felt a tear fall down my left cheek, I look at Bucky trying not cry "I thought my world had ended tight then and there, I didn't know what to do but the only way I knew how, to avenge you. 70 years later I lost a lot more family and friends when I woke from the ice not knowing where to go, only being told there was another fight. When I saw for the first time in like 70 years, totally something a normal person would say, Alive  I felt some sort of comfort but when you said "who the hell is Bucky" my life shattered all over again" more deep breaths " I realised I needed to win you heart the way I wanted to do form the start and all I need to do was first get you to remember obviously" Everyone laughed " but what I'm saying is, that I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for the love I had for you to keep me going all these years even though you had no knowledge about I still loved you and I hope you can still love me for the rest of your life and be my husband finally, I love you till the end of the line"
"I love you till the end of the line  too doll" Bucky said on the urge of crying that very second "I guess it's my turn, don't  know how imma top that, thanks punk" Bucky said in a playful mood
"You're welcome Jerk" I replied jokingly

I did the same thing Steve did and took a deep breath and started to speak.
"Steve, before all this i was a ladies man and after that i was a train wreck. As I was saying I was never a relationship person, I just tried to be a likeable kind of guy. After what I went through in hydra I thought I would never get a hold of my life always feel like a puppet being controlled feeling like at any second I would slip away and that was even worse when I was with you Steve. The moment I felt comfort i felt scared, the moment I felt safe I felt worried. All the fears holding me back from the one to thing in life I was always scared to want. And that was love Steve, all I wanted was love and every time I felt happy I felt sad but with you I feel good. Every emotion I can feel freely with you cause you're my best friend and my lover. You're my life and I don't know what I would do cause if I lost you...." I said taking a deep breath about to cry
"Hey hey, your not gonna lose me, cause I love you and nothing is gonna take me from you and I you" Steve confirmed giving me comfort
"I've always felt like I'm home when I'm with you cause, well your my life and I wouldn't change a thing pal, I love till the end of the line" I finished surprised I didn't burst out crying when I was talking.


"Now that the vows have been done, repeat after me Steve-Bucky, I promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us-" the minister explained.
"Bucky, I promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us" Steve said laughing at the the lack of breath at the end making everyone laugh.
"Now Bucky reappear after me-Steve, I promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us-" the minister did again.
"Steve, I promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us" Bucky said proudly
"Rings" the minister motioned, rings placed on "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss one another"
"Thanks Stan". Steve said before grabbing his new husband back pulling him close and kissing him passionately getting whistles, cheers and claps from the crowd congratulating them on the new found love marrying each other.

A/N: I really hope this was sorta accurate cause I have only an idea on how they work and I'm sure I didn't do the vow's correctly but I think I did pretty good in my opinion

(1176 words)

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