Prologue: Heroes Never Die

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Wally Pov:

After we landed in Japan, we met up with the heroes that would be coming with us and made our way towards the supposed area of where All For One was hiding out. The Public Safety Committee had evacuated the city, claiming it was a dangerous zone due to a chemical spill.

All For One was most likely already aware of this. Meaning he knows we're coming. We continue our walk to where All For One is supposed to be, and I hang back behind everyone with All Might as the two of us talk.

"So you were going to have me eat your hair?" I ask while laughing. "I mean it can only be transferred through DNA. So that seemed like the easiest way."

"If you have to want it, then can All For One even take it?"All Might lets out a sigh before answering.

"The answer should be no. But since learning about One For All's existence, All For One has done nothing but increase his power in hopes of becoming strong enough to bypass the rule. I fear that now he may have reached that level." Before saying anything else, Endeavour turns around and calls out to us.

"I think we're here. Try not to get in our way, brat." He says while looking at me. Rude.

"What's the deal with number 2 over there?" I ask as I point over to the moody Endeavour.

"He's a great hero. Sometimes, his attitude can leave more to be desired, though. He lost his eldest son a bit ago. It's been tough on his family." I nod my head as we see the abandoned building in the woods. 

This is where he should be. I look around at our team. Nighteye, Gran Torino, All Might, Barry, Endeavour, and a few others. Those Nomus are probably decently strong. But from the videos, it looked like they were still growing. So they are probably not fully ready yet. All Might takes a deep breath in before making a serious face and jumping into the air.


The building gets blown away as we all get on guard. When the smoke clears, Nomus launches at us. I speed in and immediately start fighting one. 

They are definitely pretty strong and fast. But they aren't smart. I weave through his mindless attacks before shooting a bolt of lightning through his chest, causing it to hit the floor lifeless. Or more lifeless than it already was. Suddenly, I get thrown back into a tree and see Thawne smiling in front of me. 

"Is that you, West? And here I was thinking I was going to have to track you down to kill you. But you came to me instead."

"You aren't killing anyone else anymore, Thawne." Barry says after speeding over in front of me. "My mind is clear. I'm ending you. But I'm not losing myself either."

"Bold claim Barry. Let's see if you can keep it." The two of them launch off into their fight. I try to run after them to help, but I can't keep up with them at all. I stop and wait until Thawne throws Barry into a wall, and I launch my lightning at him as a whip constricting him. 

"I set him up"

"AND I KNOCK HIM DOWN!" All might exclaims as he punches Thawne, sending him flying back.Barry gets up and gives us a thumbs up.

"Thanks, guys. I've got him. Wally get the nomus. All Might, finish this." We both nod as Barry speeds after Thawne. A laugh booms over the battlefield, sending a chilling feeling down my spine. My legs feel paralyzed from the pressure. I look over and see him standing there. All For One. With his smug face.

"Are you here to give me One For All? Toshinori."

"I'm here to avenge the fallen." Without another word, the two launch at each other, sending a shockwave throughout the battlefield and destroying their surroundings. I can't be a burden. I speed through the fight and begin battling with the nomus. Even if I can't beat them all at once, I can keep all their attention on me. Leaving them wide open to the attacks of the others. 

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