Episode 8: Speedsters Starting Line.

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Wally Pov:

After that, we went through the next week of school without anything else too special happening. Midoriya was nominated for class rep with an overwhelming majority of votes but passed it off to Iida, who clearly wanted to do it more. Plus, Iida had earned faith with the class when he helped calm down everyone during the incident with the news.

Speaking of that incident, something isn't right about it. The press wouldn't have been able to break through UA's security on their own. And the giant door at the front was turned into dust. It's possible that it was the work of villains. Stealing information from the school. And now I've been feeling even more paranoid.

What if the person in charge of it was him? All For One. But what could he want with UA? Does he know about me? If so, why hasn't he attacked yet? If he knows about me, it's tough, but I'll have to run. But what if he knows about Midoriya... I have a lot of questions, but really no answers.

Today, the students are all heading to the USJ for hero rescue training with Aizawa and Thirteen. I'm going to join them a bit later cause I'm trying to go through some of the third years combat training footage to take some notes and help give them some tips later.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I notice the door open and Gran Torino and Nezu walk in. Nezu carrying a briefcase with him that looks very familiar, but I can't quite remember why.

"It feels like I'm in trouble." I say jokingly to try and lighten up the mood that suddenly became serious. Gran Torino just shakes his head disapprovingly, and Nezu holds up his innocent smile before talking.

"Well, it is nothing of that matter. We just want to talk about Midoriya's progress."

"Hm. Nighteye didn't come." I knew he wouldn't. That guy really pisses me off. Nezu and Gran Torino take a seat on the couch across from me, and Torino grumbles out.

"Sorry, kid. You know him. But about your successor. I've been keeping up with the footage you've been sending us of his progress. I must say he is improving at a very fast rate."

I can feel a proud smile stretch across my face as I lean back in my chair. Before I can respond, he cuts me off. "I already know you plan to say something like. Of course, he is my student after all." I chuckle hearing him know me so well. Nezu's smile falters a little, and he takes a deep breath in before talking.

"Wally, how long will it be before One For All is completely out of your system?" I can feel my eyes widen and my usual laidback demonaer falling. I've been trying to avoid thinking about it, but it is something that needs to be addressed.

"If I continue staying in hiding and not using it too much, I think I can stretch the time out a while. A few years. But the other day, I used 100% to see what it felt like. And I could feel that connection and pull I have with the power, weaken. I know you want me to return to hero work. If I do, I estimate I'll have at least a year, hopefully. Unless there's multiple times where I'll have to go all out."

We all sit in silence for a moment. Nezu's expression is blank, but behind his eyes, I can tell he's thinking of a million things at once. Torino looks me in the eyes while sighing.

"You can still be a hero with just your speed. You'll have to reveal yourself to the public eventually."

"I know. I just want to teach Midoriya as much as I can first. It sucked not having a mentor around the past few years. Especially not having All Might around. Mastering One For All without someone helping you and guiding you might be impossible. Once All For One knows for sure where I am, that puts a timer on my back until our final clash."

Nezu interrupts me as he leans forward and rests his chin on his arm. "You are even stronger than All Might and Flash. There is a very high chance you could beat All For One in a fight. Especially if he hasn't fully recovered from what you and Toshi did to him. We've said it before, but the world needs you. Japan needs you. We need you."

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