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"So. What now?"

I could sense Dimitri's hesitation at my question, but I couldn't tell if it was because he wasn't sure or if he just didn't know how to put his feelings into words. I shifted myself off his lap and sat on the mat next to him instead.

"You don't have to answer right away, we probably both need a little time to think about it, I guess."

"Roza, I-"

I shook my head, "No, I'm serious. That kiss was..."

"Amazing?" Dimitri had a smile on his face and I returned it.

"Yeah. Amazing. But I don't want to rush into something just because we shared a great kiss."

He chuckled, "You really have changed a lot since you left."

I snorted, "I guess I finally got around to that whole 'growing up' thing that everyone was always lecturing me about." I heaved a sigh and wrapped one of his hands in mine, "If we are going to do this, I want to do this right. No sneaking around or hiding things from each other, no pushing each other away when things get tough. And if we decide this is a bad idea, I want a clean break."

Dimitri nodded, "I understand."

We were both spared further awkwardness by a loud ring from where I'd tossed my phone earlier. "I should get that."

He nodded again, and I could feel his eyes boring into me as I crossed the gym, trying to ignore the weak feeling in my legs and the chill that went up my spine as I did. A glance at my phone told me that Evelyn and Jacee had decided they were sick of waiting for the sporadic phone calls I'd graced them with. I shook my head and walked a little ways away before I answered, needing a clearer headspace.

I grinned as their faces filled my phone screen, Jacee was sipping on something that probably had vodka in it while Evelyn was wearing a face mask with her hair wrapped in a towel. She was smiling when I answered the phone, but within seconds, her eyes had narrowed and she was studying me intently.

"Hey, Rose!" Jacee's unusually chipper voice told me I'd been spot on with the vodka guess, "How's it going?"

"Well I'm pretty sure she was just making out with someone, so I'm thinking good." Evelyn grinned victoriously as my and Jacee's eyes shot toward her, "Oh, I knew it."

"Evelyn!" I stepped a little farther away, "Seriously?"

"Oh my god." Her eyes widened, "He's still within earshot, isn't he?"

"How do you do that?"

"It's a gift. Now dish."

Jacee grinned and took a generous sip of her drink, "And don't leave out any details."


"Oh, this is going to be good."

I shook my head, "Hardly. I just need a minute to figure things out for myself before I even attempt to share."

Jacee attempted a serious face, "We're very good at helping people through relationship crises. You should share with us and we can assist you as well."

Evelyn looked amused by Jacee's antics, but she still nodded in agreement, "She's right. We're practically experts."

"I'm not going into this right now. I'll call when I have the time and space, okay?" Neither of them looked like they were okay with that, but they didn't argue. "So did you have a reason for calling, outside of a little harassment?"

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