The Letter

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Currently avoiding three different projects. A+ to me.


Eddie and I ended up going to one of my favorite cafes in Court. I knew that Eddie wouldn't have to kind of time Lissa did so I figured any time I could spend with him would be utilized. They guy at the counter was the same guy who'd been running it the last time I was at Court. He was an older Moroi who I'd only heard speak a few words here and there. So I was surprised when my order was ready and he'd given me and extra eclair. When I asked him about it, he merely smiled.

"I have a daughter in one of those communities who refuses to fight, if that law gets passed then she could get charged and put in prison. Keep fighting, Miss Hathaway."

I was shocked by his story. Very few Moroi openly acknowledged their dhampir children, even less cared about them. And here was this guy doing both. I smiled and thanked him for his generosity, "Don't worry about me, if I have anything to say about it the law will be gone soon enough."

"Just keep that voice loud."

I nodded and went to join Eddie at the booth he'd grabbed while I ordered. He grabbed his danish from the bag and asked, "What was that about?"

"Huh? Oh nothing, the guy running the counter has a dhampir daughter who refuses to fight. He was thanking me for fighting the law."

"Not even here for twenty-four hours and you're already getting thanks and free stuff from people." Eddie joked.

I shrugged, "I'm just glad I'm doing something. Still mad about the methods you guys used to get me here but I suppose I'll get over that part eventually. Just don't do it again."

"Don't run away again." Eddie countered.

"It won't be running away this time, it'll be going back home." I pointed out, and Eddie frowned.

"Look, I don't mean to bring the mood down but you're home will always be here, with Lissa, me, and even Christian."

"And your father of course." I heard a voice behind me, and even without him calling himself my father I knew who it would be. Pretty much the only person who hadn't visited yet. Abe, who was wearing a gray suit with a blue paisley dress shirt and hideous yellow tie, his signature gold earring still in place.

I grinned and stood up, giving him a quick hug that he wasn't expecting. "It's good to see you, old man."

He cleared his throat as if he was choking back something and then smiled back, "You too, Kiz. Of course, you realize you aren't allowed to run away anymore. Three strikes and all."

"Wouldn't that mean I'm out for good?" I said as we sat down.

Abe dismissed that line of thought with a wave of his hand. "Of course not. It means you aren't allowed to leave again. Of course, with the commotion you caused today, I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen is trying to get you thrown out immediately."

"That's nothing new. She's been trying to get me tossed out since I was seventeen. Maybe even sooner. I don't think she ever liked me, especially considering she thought I was dating her great nephew for a while."

"You were dating her great nephew." Abe pointed out, and I repeated his gesture from earlier.

"She didn't date Adrian until after she met you." Eddie put in.

Abe nodded in understanding, "Ah, of course. Belikov."

I narrowed my eyes, "And you were doing so well."

Abe chuckled, "As long as I'm heading down, I may as well let you know that your mother wants dinner with you tonight."

"She's here? I figured she'd be off with her charge!" I protested.

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