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Here it goes!


I gave a small bow, "Your Majesty."

"I wasn't aware you had returned." She had a forced smile on her face, and it was a mark of my improved self-control that I didn't smirk.

"I became aware that you were trying to pass this law and I felt I had to voice my opinion on the matter."

"Oh? And do you have experience in the matter to offer such an opinion?"

So she didn't know I actually did. Score one for me. "Actually, yes. I do have experience. I spent several weeks with a Dhampir community in Baia several years ago."

"Around the time you ran away? For the second time?" I realized she was trying to shoot down my credibility.

I nodded, "Yes, the events of which led me to helping discover it was possible to return a Strigoi to their natural state. The results of which sit beside me now." I didn't leave her time to respond as I plowed on. "But that isn't what my point was. In the time I spent there, I realized that the women and men in those communities aren't prepared mentally or physically for being forced into the field. They're trained to defend if they absolutely have to. Even then, most of them have never seen a Strigoi."

"Surely if they're prepared to defend they can be trained to guard."

I held back a snort, "Not even close. It takes novices at least four years to learn basic guarding techniques. Another two for advanced technique, and another two on top of that for group guarding. By the time you would be able to train everyone, it will be pointless because," I took a deep breath, this was my chance to send the room into a mob, "While you focus on training unwilling dhampirs instead of willing Moroi, the Strigoi are out there, picking us off, one. By. One."

That got the reaction I wanted it to, and soon the room dissolved into madness of all sorts. No, nothing would be decided today. I gave a half salute to the council and got out of there as fast as I could. I felt the presence of several others, but I didn't stop until I was safely out of the courtroom and half way across the lawn surrounding it.

When I stopped, I burst out laughing, I couldn't help it.

"That." Eddie declared when he caught up with the others, "Was freaking amazing. I don't know how you do it."

I grinned, "Easy. I tell the truth. It isn't something they like hearing."

The other seemed just as excited, I even got a reaction from Dimitri. It was a simple nod, but it spoke legions. I heard someone speak behind me,

"Well Rosie, that was certainly a spectacular show."

I turned to face the speaker and rolled my eyes, "Hey there, Sparky. Where were you during it?"

"Ah, well, Aunt Tasha and I got banned from these things about three weeks ago. But we still catch it on the screen outside." He pulled me into a quick hug and stepped back.

I grinned, "Glad to see things haven't changed too much."

"Not all for the better." Lissa grumbled as she walked to Christian's open arms. I knew she was talking about the quorum.

I gave her a sad smile when I remembered Christian had mentioned Tasha, "Where is Tasha anyway? I thought you were with her?"

He shook his head, "Nah, Aunt Tasha got banned from outside the courtroom too. She has to watch it from her house. I'm sure she's on her way here now, though."

"So how long has the Queen been pushing this anyway?"

Christian frowned, "Don't you know?"

I shook my head, "No, I've been keeping out of Lissa's mind. It was just easier that way."

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