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Who knows how long my chapters are anymore?


Despite claiming he'd sleep, Dimitri didn't let his guard down enough to do so until the sun had appeared over the horizon. Not that I was any better, I was still too keyed up from the Strigoi attack. I rolled my eyes as he finally settled in, unable to actually sleep now that the sun was shining in his eyes. I twisted around to grab my bag from the trunk and pulled an airport face mask out of it, handing it to him.

"Surprised you don't have one. But I guess you're just spoiled with those fancy blackout curtains."

He raised an eyebrow but took it anyway, slipping it over his eyes. He settled into the seat once more and was out. I smiled and leaned forward, "How are you doing Oksana?"

"Alright. The sun isn't bad right now, and these windows keep most of it out anyway."

Mark nodded, "It helps that she tries to get as much sun as she can when she can."

"I'm no dhampir, but I can handle some sun."

I grinned, "Good."

Mikhail was still sleeping, and Dimitri had only just drifted off. Mikhail and Oksana looked like they wanted to have a conversation of their own so I reached into the bag at my feet and grabbed my earbuds, plugging them in before turning on one of the many playlists Daniel had downloaded to my phone. A quick glance at the time told me he wouldn't be up for at least another two hours so I busied myself with one of the games I'd downloaded before the trip.

Two hours and four construction zones later, I could finally text Daniel.

How's it going?

It didn't take long for him to respond. What are you doing up at this hour? I've been trying to get you up this early for years.

Shit, I hadn't even thought of that. I told you, Lissa's relatives are insane. Besides, the early bird gets to tell the other birds they're all dumbasses.

That's not how that goes.
That's not how it goes at all, Rose.

I grinned, Haven't you learned not to question me?

Sorry, I forgot the mighty Rose is an expert in proverbs. A regular Confucious.

You bet your ass I am.

We talked until Mikhail woke up and I told him we'd talk later.

"Mhmm, how far away are we?"

"We're about two hours out."

"Oh shit." I'd been so focused on everything else I hadn't even bothered asking. "I'm going to try and get some sleep for the next two hours so we can start looking as soon as we get there."

Mikhail nodded as I closed my eyes and settled into the seat, hoping to finally get some sleep.


I was woken two hours later. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see I'd fallen asleep on Mikhail's shoulder. "Hm, sorry about that."

"It's fine, it's hard to sleep in the middle without falling asleep on someone."

I nodded, "You're not wrong."

I glanced over to see Dimitri had already woken up and was staring out the window, clearly lost in thought.

"What's up, Dimitri?"

He didn't even twitch so I nudged him. He turned to face me, "What?"

"I asked what you were thinking about. You were pretty focused on that farmland."

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