Pit Stop

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There were only a few rays of light left by the time we got to the airport, thanks to some heavy traffic and stopping for gas so we wouldn't have to in the dark. I'd called Mark as soon as we pulled up and Mikhail and I stepped out of the car so they wouldn't waste time looking for the right car and help them with their bags. We were both on high alert, even if attacks were rare in such crowded areas, it wasn't above Strigoi to kidnap their victims to get them away from the crowds. And in such a crowded area, it was impossible to watch everyone.

Mikhail and Oksana spotted us before we saw them, and they both rushed over, Mark's eyes were scanning a mile a minute, one hand holding onto Oksana's. Luckily they both packed light, so I took their bags and put them in the trunk while Mark and Oksana climbed into the backseat. I climbed in next to Oksana, putting her between Mark and myself. Dimitri had apparently changed the station as soon as Mikhail and I climbed out of the car because 80's music was coming from the radio.

"Very sneaky, Comrade. Wait until I'm out of the car to change the station." I said, leaning over Oksana to the gap between driver and passenger.

He smiled as he pulled away from the curb, carefully navigating the other cars and people crossing the road, "We listened to your music all the way here. I think you'll survive this for a while."

I stuck out my tongue and leaned back in my seat, finally able to actually focus on Mark and Oksana, I gave Oksana a slightly awkward hug thanks to our positions and gave Mark a small shoulder shake since I couldn't reach him. "So how was the flight? I know it can be a real beast."

"It wasn't bad. The Queen got us first class so Mark was able to relax a little bit more than he usually does when we leave Baia."

"Not by much." Mark clarified. Even in the car, he was keeping a very close eye on the surrounding road.

"Well, with two badass shadow kissed guardians with Strigoi sensing abilities, we'll always be ready for a fight."

Mark chuckled, "I always forget about that. We haven't seen a Strigoi in Baia in so long."

"Trust me, no matter how long it's been or how often it happens, it always hits hard. I didn't see a single Strigoi for almost a year, but I went out with my friends one night and it hit really hard. Luckily they were all too busy dancing to realize I lured him out and staked him in the back alley."

Mark grinned and shook his head, "I can't imagine you going without any trouble for an entire year. I'm still hearing rumors about the crazy American that hunted down and questioned Strigoi."

"You are not."

Oksana nodded, "It's true. Mostly from visitors new to the area. And it helps that the group you were working with are still hunting a lot."

"Oh, god. Have any of them gotten themselves killed yet? I'm not sure I made the best impression when it comes to how to properly hunt Strigoi."

Oksana frowned, "Not that I know of, but they haven't been to town recently. All I know for sure is that Denis is alright. He's the only one that consistently keeps coming back. I think he's trying to convince his brother to join them, but he hasn't had any luck so far."

"That's good to hear. I hope they're all alright. How is Nikolai?"

"He's been good. He dated Viktoria a while back but-"

"Wait, what?" I glanced towards the front, Dimitri having said the same thing I did, though he sounded more annoyed than surprised.

Oksana's eyes darted between us for a moment before answering, "I talked to Viktoria about it, it seems something you said inspired her to date him. They've been happy, but Nikolai has been talking about leaving Baia."

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