Game Changer

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I really wanted to get out a chapter for my Harry Potter book before I posted here again and that took longer than expected. Anywho.


Dimitri had been right about one thing, by the third day I was fully back to the vampiric schedule. Well, almost. I woke up much earlier than I ever willingly did before, but I also wasn't getting up at noon anymore so I had some semblance of a normal schedule here at Court. Unfortunately, by the third day, I was also extremely bored. I was here on Lissa's tab so I wasn't working, but everyone else was. Well, except Adrian. Which is why I found myself alone with him for the first time since I left three years ago.

"What brings you around these parts, Little Dhampir?" He asked as he answered his door.

"I'm bored and everyone else is out being productive," I said, walking past him and sprawling on his couch, "So I figured I'd give you a chance to convince me to stay once my promised month is up. Only twenty-seven days left, after all."

Adrian shrugged, "Hey if Belikov and Lissa can't convince you, I doubt I'll be able to."

"You convinced me to date you." I pointed out.

"I had to blackmail you into doing it after I loaned you money to go after your immortal Russian lover."

"Ah, right. Point taken. Sorry about that by the way, I really shouldn't have done that."

He shrugged again, "No hair off my back, or whatever. It was really my dad's money. Besides, we had fun for those few months. Not nearly as much as I'd initially imagined, but I'll take what I can get."

"Good because you won't be getting any more." I joked, but then frowned, "So what have you been doing since I've been gone?"

"Ah, well. I may not have been totally honest. I'm pretty sure I was drunk for the first three months after you left."


"Then my dad cut me off because why the fuck not add that to the list and I ran out of cash."

"Adrian..." I felt terrible. I really couldn't have left at a worse time.

"Then Lissa came by, quite literally slapped some sense into me, and I sobered up. Well. To where I used to be, anyway. Mom convinced my angel of a father to at least give me an allowance, and I started painting again."

"Painting? I didn't know you painted." His life had been a series of shitty event after shitty event so I focused on the good thing that seemed to come out of it.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I don't know, I've always been a bit of an artist, I guess. Probably all part of Spirit. When I first started it was all people's auras. Didn't know it at the time, of course."

"Do you have any here?"

He pointed at the coffee table I'd passed in my journey to the couch. It seemed to have been a glass top at one point but was now a swirl of colors and paint. I didn't get it, but it was pretty so I guess he was a decent artist.

"This is the product of too much vodka and too many auras."

I stood, "Have you had sex on this couch?"

"No. I joined a convent after you left."

"Convents are for women, Adrian."

"Exactly." He said, lounging back in the chair next to the couch and pulling out one of his clove cigarettes. I almost said something, but I'd come over unannounced and this was his place so I subjected myself to moving to the opposite end of the couch.

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