Chapter 9

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Time skip 3 days later.

Leaf Village

Jiraya came back and went straight to the office to see his old teammate/ love once he enters, he sees her down in paperwork and talking to an elder at the same time she looks up to see him and smile that he came back with news she ran out the elder and locked the door and place a seal up.

"I got news" she said smiling.

"Same" he said sitting on the couch throwing her the scroll he got from the nine tails. She opened it and read it out loud.

I'm Karuma the nine tails fox, I'm going to keep this short, On Naru's birthday some people will be coming back they are the Senju brothers, Kushina, Minato and the man that can cause a war by hearing his name is Madara and before you frack the fuck out the god of death will explain and Madara is Naru's mate so good luck you're going to need it.

"Fucking hell Naruko' birthday which is well call it five months away" said Tsunade worrying about the damage will befall the leaf.

"Also, this one is from Naruko let's read it" said Jiraya they open her letter and smile.

  I miss you guys a lot and I want to see you all again but I can't and it sucks, hey granny I found some scrolls about the Uzumaki's healing jutsu you might like it and also I got some too and some fighting styles for Teme but anyway  why don't you give pervy sage a chance come you both love each other and please don't push him away Dan and your brother will want you to move on so get to it alright. I Miss you guys so much love ya bye.

"Wow" said Jiraya, Tsunade looked at the letter for some reason that she holds up her head and got up from her chair and sit beside him and took his hands.

"let's try this out and see what you think one-month trail". said Tsunade looking at him, Jiraya smirk and look at her.

"Alright, we can do this and remember you have Uzumaki blood in you so that means i could be your mate" he said smirking Tsunade just rolled her eyes and place her head on his shoulder to get some rest.

Back wit Naruko

Chuuya is out of his room eating up a storm Karin also came out of her room as well eating and talking to Chuuya, then they heard loud swears knowing that Hidan and Kakuzu went out on a bounty, and they just got back. Kai and Kei also came inside sweaty from training so they went to their room to freshen up so that they can eat. Rose and Shisui came out the kitchen with more food, Konan, Shino, Neji, Anko, Sasori, Deidara, Kisame, Mina, Natsu, Grey and Shikamaru came to eat. Another 15 minutes Itachi came and sit and eat.

"We don't know where they are," said Shino.

"Oh, that's easy they are talking to the prisoners in the cells Naru wants to know something " said Rose figuring it out.

"So that explains why Kurama isn't here" said Itachi feeling lonely without his mate.

With Uzumaki cousins. 

"So that explains why" said Nagato looking shocked.

"You're lying my family would never betray their own so come again with your bullshit" said Naruko with her bangs covering her eyes.

"That's were your wrong blondie you don't know your family you just getting to know your Namikaze powers and for that fact there is one betraying their own and there's nothing you can do about it" he said glaring at the girl.

Naruko got up and grab the man by his collar glaring at him that her snap out of the ponytail it was in and golden chakra started to show and overpower everyone that the cell broke and Naruko kick the man so hard that he broke through the wall that led outside. She makes after him and summon a scythe that could kill each and every one of them Kurama pops out of nowhere and stop her before she could do anything.

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