Chapter 14

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The next morning Naruko woke up feeling a bit better she looked around to see that she was in her room with Shisui beside her holding her hand. Naruko sighs and lets go of his hand and lets out her chakra to tell everyone that she is awake she got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. Once inside taking a shower she started to think what she should do and how to make things right and to figure out who Namikaze was in her head because he was not supposed to do that, she continued to think until she heard Shisui talking to her.

"You are thinking out loud Naru and don't worry I'll be fine" he said.

"Yeah, right but fine" said Naruko, Shisui nod and walked out the bathroom to his room to freshen up. Naruko finished and put on the final piece of her clothes and walked out of the room to the living room to see everyone well mostly everyone eating and talking.

"So now that everyone is ok and my heat is over start packing because we will be leaving here and be warned a Namikaze is near here I can sense them but barely no one leaves unless there in a group of 3 nothing more" said Naruko looking at them, they nod, and she got to the kitchen to get her breakfast.

With Kurama at the leaf

TI building

You can see two brothers sparring with the two Uzumaki's, Kurama and Shikamaru if you're wondering where Tsunade, Jiraya and Shikaku are they are trap in a meeting with the elders, so the others went to the TI expect one copycat ninja going to is best friend house to talk or to clear the hair with somethings. But back to Kurama watching them with Ibkik watching the form up high but that did not bother them the slightest. As Kurama walks around the big sparring ring his mind goes to Naruko but he knows they both need to talk.

Mind Link

"Naruko is everything alright" he asks.

"You can say that my heats over and I'm packing right now but I am sensing multiple people nearby I already told the others, and I told the others if they are leaving they leave in a group knowing me I'll just go check it if I get too bored" said Naruko with a sigh.

Kurama can sense the tiredness in here voice because of her heat and the fact that Dream did that bullshit and the Namikaze thing it can be tiring but that won't change because of what's going on. Because they both know a war is coming soon.

"Damn so we have to be careful you know we can come back now though" said Kurama watching them as Shikamaru joining in on the fun.

"I know but finish up some lose ends their first before coming back and also Kurama we are going to get through this like always" said Naruko, Kurama knows she's smiling, and he nods his head to that.

"Alright, see you soon then."

"Soon then tell everyone I miss them".

Mind Link end.

With Kakashi

Kakashi jumps from roof to roof going somewhere and making sure no one sees him. He continues like this for another 30 minutes to get where he is going. 'I did not know it will take me this long to get to Asuma's place like fuck wait I was doing something else on the other side of the village so fuck me' thought Kakashi just continuing doing what he's doing.

He finally reaches and lands right in front of his door ready to knock only hearing mumbling about something then hearing his name saying he was right. Kakashi sigh and knock on the door knowing damn well he will be freaked out seeing him, but this talk is really important for them both.

A minute later the door opens to a messy hair Asuma and dark circles under his eyes, once his eyes focus on the person in front of him, Asuma freaked out after seeing the person his mind was on.

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