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* Willie gets the shovel talk. *
Setting: Studio.
Willie :* sitting. * Is the dark really necessary?
Reggie : Would you take us seriously without it ?
Willie : Carry on.
Luke : You hurt him ,  it's not gonna be pretty. Reggie has a massive stick collection.
Reggie: Yeah.
Julie : * walks in * Seriously? Luke, you just enjoy it cause it's not you. * turns the lights on. *
Luke : Julie. We're trying to protect your best friend.
Julie :  And who's gonna protect you from him when he finds out you're doing this ?
Reggie : Willie is fine. We haven't smacked him yet.
Julie:* sighs. * Leave him alone. Let's go watch a movie, Willie. Lex should be back soon.
Willie : Okay.
Julie and Willie:* go inside. *
Reggie : Fun sponge.
Luke : Unbelievable.

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