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* Alex and Reggie make a plan so that Julie and Luke can be alone and confess their feelings. But Julie saw Luke shirtless, and she started getting flustered and can't form sentences around him because, again, he's shirtless.*
Setting: Studio.
Alex : This better work, Reginald.
Reggie : It will.  As soon as we figure out where Luke is.
Setting: Kitchen.
Luke: * cooking something and spills something on himself. * Oh, come on. * takes of shirt. *
Julie :* walks in and stares. *
Alex : They're taking forever.
Reggie : Let's go find them.
* they go inside. *
Luke :* still hasn't noticed Julie. *
Alex : * Really Julie?
Julie : * stops staring. I was getting an orange. * grabs it. *
Reggie : No, you weren't.
Julie : Shut up.
Luke : * very confused. *What's happening right now ?
Alex : Idiot. I can't stand to see this anymore.
Reggie : No funny business, you two. Mainly you. * points to Luke. *
* Alex and Reggie leave. *
Luke : Why are they so weird?
Julie : N- no idea.
Luke : Want a sandwich?
Julie : S- sure.
Luke : * makes her one. *
Julie : * Th-thanks.
Luke : You're welcome.
...  later ...
Reggie  : How long does eating sandwiches take, Lucas ?
Alex : Really, though. Then again, she was probably speechless after what she was staring  at , not that it's much.
Luke : Why do I feel offended?
Alex : Because you know I'm talking about you. That's why she was stuttering  , she was staring at you for like 5 minutes before we walked in.
Luke : Oh. Wait, does that mean she. was checking me out ?
Reggie :* sarcastic. * No, she was staring at you to make sure her glasses were clean.
Luke : You don't gotta be so mean about it.
Setting: Rehearsal.
Julie :* writing last-minute lyrics. *
Luke :* goes in. * Hi Jules.
Julie : H - hey Luke.
Luke : * reads over her shoulder. * Those lyrics are amazing. As always.
Julie : T - thank you.
Alex : Luke, just tell her.
Reggie : No, Julie, you tell him. I need my money.
Alex : It's mine.
Juke : Seriously?!
Luke : Okay, you two out. * pushed them out the door. *
Julie : Finally, some peace.
Luke : Finally, a full sentence. I missed your real talk. But I will say the stuttering is just as cute.
Julie : Really?
Luke : Yes.
Reggie :  Kiss him already.
Alex : Kiss her, Lucas .
Julie : One second. * goes outside *
... a minute later
Julie : * walks back in. *
Luke :  Should I ask ?
Julie : Nope. They're gone now, though .
Luke : Cool.
Julie : Anyways.
Luke : Jules ?
Julie : Y - yeah ?
Luke : * kissed her cheek and goes to leave. *
Julie : Y- you need to quit doing that  me.
Luke : Never. Movie tomorrow ?
Julie : Okay.
Luke : Cool. * walks out. *
Alex : Reg.
Reggie: Ugh. It wasn't even a full kiss.
Alex : Still counts. Pay up. 
Reggie: * pays him. *

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