30( caution clowns and haunted things)

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* They go to a haunted house. *
Setting: The neighborhood.
Reggie : Look ! They have a haunted house ! Can we go, Julie? Please. * makes a face. *
Alex : Don't you give in. The last time I was in a haunted house with him , I almost died.
Julie :And what are you now ? Oh, right, half dead or something... Due to hot dogs.
Alex : Ugh. Luke , don't you give in either.
Reggie : Luke , I'll be your best friend. Please let's go in. please.
Luke : Jules is right. We really can't be harmed now. Come on Reg.
Reggie : Yay!
Alex : Not fair ! I thought I was the favorite. * pouts. *
Reggie:* laughs.* Guess not.
Goblins, vampires , and other scary things pop out.
Luke : Alex , really?
Alex : What ?* looks down at his hand. * Ew. * Let's go of Luke's hand. *
Julie : * laughs. * Oh, I can't wait to tell Willie. He's gonna laugh till he cries. Cutest boyfriends.
Luke : I'm dating you! Reggie, do not pet that werewolf !
Reggie : * does * Ha.
Luke : Ugh.
* clown pops out. *
Luke :* screams and clings to Julie. *
Julie : You'll be fine. * hugs him. *
Alex : Who's scared now, Patterson?*laughs. *
Luke: Shut up. * pouts. *

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