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* Movie night. *
Setting: Studio.
Flynn: * Setting up the pillow fort. *
Willie :* helping her. *
Julie :* walks in with snacks. * What are we watching ?
Alex : Back To The Future.
Flynn: Again?!
Julie :That's the 6th movie night. 
Reggie : * plays the movie. * Oh well.
Willie : I'll pick next time.
Alex : Like Karate Kid is any better.
Willie : It is, actually.
Luke :You're crazy. This is a classic.
Julie : You mean old ? * chuckles. *
Luke : * puts her snacks on the high shelf. *
Julie : Bold of you to assume I won't get them by climbing.
Luke : Fair. * throws them to Reggie. *
Julie : Please may have them, Reggie? * makes a face. *
Reggie : Here, sis. * hands them to her*
Julie : Thank you ! * Gets them back. *
Flynn:* laughs. *
Luke : I get no backup. * sighs. *
Julie: Haha.

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