Chapter 1

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Here is chapter 1 of Bite the Bullet. One of my first Larry fanfics so please be nice aha :) 

please let me know what you think! It would mean a lot! And please vote too! XO

I hope its not too bad but here you go


I smiled over at Eleanor who sat in the corner seat on the far side of the room. Far away from where I was seated right next to the door of the classroom.

The professor was droning on and on about something related to anatomy that I really didn’t care about. I just continued to look over across the room at Eleanor and make her blush whenever I winked. 

"Mr. Tomlinson how about you give us the answer seeing as you are so engrossed in the lesson and most definitely not sending extremely unsubtle gestures to Miss Calder." Mr. Brambot, the teacher asked. 

I whipped my eyes back around to the front of the room, my fringe falling into my eyes and looked what was on the board. What the hell had we even been talking about? 

"I’m sorry could you repeat the question sir?" I asked innocently brushing the hair out of my line of sight back into its palce.

He sighed heavily and pointed to some diagram on the board. "I said do you kn--" he was cut off by a loud BANG from down the hallway  

All eyes in the room turned towards the door. I could make out people screaming beyond the closed door but their words were muffled by the wooden barrier. 


More screams. I took a sharp intake of breath as an alarm started to sound throughout the school and my eyes widened. Shit I couldn’t remember the alarm code. What did this one mean?

The answer took its form of the teacher's shouts. "Everybody under the desks now!" He bellowed and students scrambled under the tables in a rush chairs clanked and fell over. "This is a code blue. Someone is in the building with a gun!" Mr. Brambot shouted. 

Students screamed out of fear as the words left his mouth and the idea of an armed guy shooting up the school formed in everyone’s minds. This had to be a drill. I thought. There couldn’t possibly be a shooter in our school. But I was proven wrong when I heard another BANG sound in the hall. 

This one was closer now and everyone in the room suddenly went silent. Our eyes all wide open in fear and anticipation. I could faintly make out heavy footsteps in the hallway coming closer towards the door. I glanced over at Eleanor and her eyes were wide and there were tear tracks on her cheeks. I sent a small smile at her and mouthed it’s okay to her. She nodded and another tear slipped from her eye. 

Suddenly the door handle of the door jiggled. Fuck no one had locked it! Fuck! Everyone watched it turn slowly oh so slowly before it was pushed open and a tall figure stepped in the room. 

I couldn’t tell what he looked like even though he was right in front of me because I was too scared to move out from under the desk any further. I could make out a head of curly brown hair and strong built arms. The arms connected to large hands. And the item clutched in the boy’s right hand is what made my heart pound even harder and the blood rush in my ears. A shiny sleek black pistol was wrapped between slender fingers. 

It was then that the boy looked down at me and caught my eyes. My terrified blue ones caught his hard green ones and I could tell he was smiling behind the mask he wore because of the way his eyes crinkled.  There was something familiar about those eyes but I couldn’t push aside my fear long enough to focus on what it was.

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