Part : 11

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The night when it was almost past dinner time, ash came out of the study. As if a lion come out of it's den when it is hungry. Maxi felt so awkward to talk to her after the incident.

Everything happened today was like a dream for maxi. She felt butterflies in her tummy when ever she saw ash from afternoon. When maxi was in her own deep thoughts ash silently came to dinning hall and sat in her usual place.

She saw maxi still cooking something. She didn't notice that ash was already out of her den. Maxi suddenly turned just to meet with a pain of eyes staring at her blankly, she couldn't read the emotion behind that eyes. But she again felt those weird butterflies. She calmly placed all the dishes on the dinning table.

The puppy still didn't get his own bed so he was always playing around the couches and sleep on a cushion. Maxi came to living room to take him for dinner.

The dinner was mostly silent. No one talked much about anything. The fear in maxi again raised. That ash is again going far from her.

"Ash! " Maxi called her. Ash was using her mobile phone in living room after dinner, where the puppy was fast asleep on his cushion. Ash looked up at maxi.

"Let's watch a movie to night??? " Maxi asked out she knows the offer will be declined, but trying doesn't takes nothing. Ash placed her phone aside and looked at the sleeping puppy.

"What do you want to watch? " Ash simply asked. Maxi smiled at her, she was happy that she can enjoy this night with ash.

At last they decided to watch a romantic movie. Maxi prepared some snacks and soft drinks, ash made the bed and arranged it like movie night feeling in the room. She even brought max to her room and placed him beside the bed.

It was like a small family having a movie night. Ash, maxi and max. Little thing like this in family make huge changes. They started watching movie. Both were at the each ends of the bed, with their own duvets. The tend to maintain the safe distance between them. Both are not ready for any further step. They got close just today. 

As they continued watching the movie. Ash dozed of in between, after thirty minutes. Max, he fell asleep long back before starting the movie. 

It was very intimated scene on the screen maxi gulped her own saliva and looking at the screen. where the main lead was kissing the female lead, and he pulled her close by her waist. He trailed the open mouth kisses on her neck. 

Maxi slowly glanced at ash who was fast asleep. She was sleeping with her mouth open at bit where her two bunny teeth were visible, one hand was resting under her neck and other was on her stomach above the duvet. Maxi peeked at max , both looked like babies in that one was really a baby other was a big stubborn baby.

Maxi chuckled at both cuties. She slowly took out her phone to click the picture. Which will lasts forever with her. These fresh feeling love and happiness in her hear will remain forever , wherever she may be , whatever she is doing the moments with the love of her life.

She leaned back on to the pillow looking at ash who was sleeping peacefully. She fell asleep staring at her loved one.

The next morning was a mess. Early in the morning max was so energetic, he was hungry. He started to jump on the mattress where ash and maxi both were sleeping together. Max started to pull the duvet with his mouth trying o wake up he new parent who were very lazy according o him. 

Sleepy ash woke up to see the mess on bed. The cotton from the duvet was out of it now, there were few torn places also, that's where the cotton has come out from. 

She groaned looking at max, who was still jumping. She lazily picked him up and went to downstairs. The poor maxi who was still sleeping, she didn't even get a single glace form ash, not even a single star.  This little puppy grabbed all the attention from ash. It's so shame to say that max will be a threat to maxi.

The half asleep ash took out the milk from freezer. And pour some milk in max's bowl. She placed it on the dinning table when max was looking at ash who was taking out milk for him and wiggling his tail when he sensed the smell of milk. 

It was like the bowl is larger than max. He started to lick the milk, slurping it up. The small drop lets when he slurped the milk are falling on the fur around his mouth, forming droplets there. A small giggle was heard from ash who was looking at the mess of her a new baby making was so cute for her eyes.

 Slowly her eye lids felt heavy and she closed her eyes relaxingly. She placed her hands folding them on table and placed her face on them like she is still looking at the puppy. After max finishing the milk he went to sit in front of ash's face and cuddled against her arms. 

May be everyone feel so warm when they are with ash. They feel comfortable, and sleep peacefully. you know what i am talking about? 

When maxi woke up she found none in the room. She quickly freshen up and went to kitchen just to find a cute duo sleeping on dinning table. Since yesterday night her heart is fluttering many time seeing the cute puppy and bunny sleeping together. eating together, like they are best friends. 

Days went on. The bond between maxi and ash also became a little friendly and getting stronger. They started to go to work together. If someone comes home first they cook the food and wait for other. Even max is also growing up fast. He now started to bark also. 

Early in the morning the poor people in the house don't need an alarm to wake up now. Max will be the first one to wakeup and jump around the bed and play with his toy and bark, is his daily routine now. 

Max goes wild when tony will be watering the plants in the garden. They now are best friends. tony makes possible ways for maxi and ash to have lone time and make conversations. It's like he is their god father to become close.

Max got his own bed and toys, and a locket with the name MAX on it but ash didn't tie a belt around his neck. She know how it feels if someone is tied up. So she let max free in the whole mansion. And his food milk bowls also have his name on them.

Everything was going well happy and good. It's just ash has to accept her love towards maxi, She has accepted maxi as wife but not her love for maxi. But she is still doubtful about her feeling and scared from getting hurt.

It was they day ash completed her first project successfully as the CEO of the company. She celebrated this with her personal team in which Yami is also a part. She is always there for ash. 

At the end of the party ash was totally drunk and she sat in a corner where people already went home. Yami paid the bill and took ash home. It was always her duty in this case.

Maxi was still waiting for was past 11 in the night. Ash always comes home before it is ten. what ever it may be she will definitely come home. She was thinking of calling Yami but don't know what stopped her. 


The door bell rang. Maxi quickly opened the door and met with drunk ash, and tony and yami are holding her. When ash saw maxi she immediately hugger her as if she saw her after eternities.

"you smell so good~~~"

" my baby smell so good. what do you use for this baby's smell BABY."  the two who were standing outside and shocked. Maxi couldn't believe her eyes and ears. The doubt why did ash get drunk now. What's the occasion. 

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