1 (smut)

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Title: Under Your Control

Posted on: Asianfanfics

Author: daddysoo

this is smut so i have nothing to say. this is really nice and everyone needs a top!soo fic in their lives !

"Mom," Jongin complains loudly in a long groan, standing beside the car without going in, his door sitting open. "I don't need it."

"Baby," Mrs. Kim sighs tiredly, her hands clenched on the steering wheel as she gives him the parental warning look. "It won't hurt."

"I'm twenty years old," he whines childishly, "I don't need wrestling lessons. That's for kids."

"I would say the same thing, Jonginnie," she says, pointing a manicured finger at his torso. "But you need more muscle. You're not as lean as you were in high school."

"I am lean!" Jongin gapes, staring at her as if it's the most absurd thing he's ever heard in his life.

He has a nice body. There's nothing wrong with it. He doesn't need exercise. His friends have told him exactly that.

(Although he won't admit that was three years ago when he was on the school's football team.)

"Then let me see your abs," she raises a judging brow. Jongin gives her an awkward look, his hands clamping onto the hem of his shirt and pulling it further down. "Mom..."

"Show me you still have abs and you don't have to go."

Jongin's eyes flit everywhere and anywhere besides his mother, lips pressing together and throat clearing as he slowly lifts his shirt to expose his stomach and after a full seven seconds of silence, he turns his head back towards the car to find her throwing him an expression of utter disapproval.

"What?" he says, lips pushing into a pout.

"There is literally nothing there," she scolds, holding up her hand in an intimidating manner as if she's about to give him a beating and Jongin yelps, flinching away instinctively. Mrs. Kim sighs again, this time heavier with exasperation before she meets his eyes. "Get in. You're going."


"Now, Jongin."

"Mom, I don't-"

"Don't make me count to three."

"Really, mom?" Jongin's mouth cracks into a grin. "Don't you think I'm too old for that?"


"Mom, you're being ridiculous."



"Two and a half."

Jongin shrugs his shoulders, flashing a tight smile. "I'm not getting-"

"GET IN!" Mrs. Kim yells, and the terrifying volume of her voice is enough to scare Jongin into scrambling into the car, shutting his door with a click and hurriedly strapping on his seatbelt. She smiles then, reaching out to ruffle his hair and Jongin swats her hand away, crossing his arms and grumbling to himself as she revs the engine and drives off their lot.

A good five minutes passes by as they stream by sidewalks and signs and houses and buildings and Jongin is still the same, muttering incoherent angry things so she rolls her eyes, relaxing in her seat. "Stop it, Jongin. It's just wrestling."

"Exactly!" he shoots, pissed off. "It's just wrestling, so why are you making such a big deal out of it?"

"I'm not the one being a big baby about it," she replies.

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