6 (angst)

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Title: You, The Definition of Forever

Posted on: Asianfanfics

Author: tinywaves

8/10 | just the right amount of angst x


Your warm hands offer love

While your embrace is the definition of forever

And your eyes-

Your eyes look like home

He stops writing when he feels a hand wrapping his shoulders from behind. The hand behind him feels warm against his back in contrast with the cold sea breeze. Kyungsoo turns his head just enough to see the person behind him. He smiles.

"What are you writing?" That person asks while taking his position besides him. The beach sand feels soft against their feet. Said person tilts his head to see the content of the open pages.

"About you." He smiles again while looking at that person, waiting for a reaction.

"About me?" Jongin smiles. He scoops closer, taking the book from Kyungsoo's hand.

"Hmm... " Kyungsoo nods.

Jongin starts reading. His voice laps with the soft sound of waves crashing the shore.

All throughout the reading, Kyungsoo locks his eyes to Jongin, enjoying the soothing smiles Jongin makes while reading.

"And your eyes-" Jongin suddenly retorts Kyungsoo's gaze towards him. "Your eyes look like home."

Kyungsoo smiles for the nth time as Jongin finishes reading. He takes the book from Jongin and closes it. "That's all."

Jongin smiles. "Thanks, love,"  he softly says and stands up. "Let's go home," he says while his right hand gesturing for Kyungsoo to hold it.

Kyungsoo slowly stands up, left hand reaching for Jongin's while his right hand holding his book. "Home," he repeats.

They both walk leisurely along the beach, feet sometimes touching the last of tiny waves, hair slightly ruffled by the sea breeze.


The sound of something frying on a pan fills the kitchen. Kyungsoo lifts the fried sunny side up onto a plate.

 Jongin, who has his arms wrapped around Kyungsoo's waist from behind just smiles. Sunny side up is his favourite.

Kyungsoo likes it scrambled.

With Kyungsoo setting the toasts on their plates, their breakfast is ready. They always have their breakfast simple, toasts with eggs, pancakes or just cereals and milks.

Jongin kisses Kyungsoo's forehead before letting go of Kyungsoo and sits at the dining table.

As they eat, they fill the silence with mundane conversation. "How's your writing going?" Jongin asks with a mouth full of toasts.

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