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Title: The Wedding Trilogy

Posted on: Asianfanfics

Author: timefortea

Originally posted in 3 parts.






After a beautiful ceremony, a thousand photographs, a million smiles, a billion tears and one delicious meal, it is time for the best man to make his speech to the new couple, the guests, and anyone who'll hear him out. 

Taemin stands, clears his throat, glances down at the piece of paper in his trembling hands, and begins to speak. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much for coming here today to celebrate the wedding of Jongin and Kyungsoo."

(Cheers from the crowd) 

"As the best man, it's my duty to give a speech to you all today. Those of you who remember my own wedding a year ago will know that Kim Jongin gave a rather rousing speech so I know that I have a lot to live up to."

(Jongin's speech had actually contained lots of rude hand gestures, ruder words, and 'hilarious' anecdotes of a teenage Taemin, resulting in Minho snorting soup up his nose, and Taemin giving his new husband the stink-eye) 

"And as much as I would love to dish the dirt on EXO's Kai for all the fangirls to hear, I wouldn't want to risk Kyungsoo iron punch. So here goes nothing."

(He takes a deep breath)

"I love Kim Jongin. I love him a lot. For a man trying to avoid Kyungsoo's iron punch, this is probably not the wisest thing to be saying, but bear with me. Jongin has been my friend, my best friend, for as long as I care to think about. I knew the moment I saw this grumpy, pouty boy march into the training room of SM Entertainment, I knew we were going to be friends. And friends we became."

"It's no secret that most of the other trainees hated us for the amount of trouble we caused, especially when a blank-faced maknae joined us and was involved in blowing up kitchens!" 

(Sehun adjusts the collar of his suit sheepishly, grinning as Luhan raises an eyebrow beside him.)

"Jongin was the first person I ran to when I found out I was going to debut, and I swear he was probably happier than I was at the time. I still remember us walking down the street to get bubble tea as a celebration, until Sehun and I were swiftly yanked into a side street by Jongin who had suspiciously gone bright red. I didn't think anything of it, until a group of 3 guys walked passed. The first guy was as blond as a newborn baby, and the second was small with brown hair and immaculate eyeliner. 

(Luhan and Baekhyun make excited ''That's us!" Faces at eachother across the room.) 

"The third guy was tiny and had dark hair, and that's really all I could remember about him at the time. Little did I know that I had just caught my first glimpse of Do Kyungsoo. Once Jongin had allowed us back onto the street, he turned back to a normal colour again, and I all but forgot about that little situation."

(By now Jongin has already buried his face in Kyungsoo's neck, repeatedly chanting "You're not supposed to know this, you're not supposed to know this I'm supposed to be cool." Whilst Kyungsoo simply smiles fondly) 

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