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Title: Paramnesia

Posted on: Asianfanfics, Livejournal, AO3

author: sassyneki (aff) , tetrys (lj)

10/10 | it's my own rating and i love these kinds of fics so :) it will confuse u a nit though.

note: the real author made an a/n at the end explaining some things :)



days like these, the rain isn't enough. the smell of sulphur and sadness as drop after drop hits the ground wafts into the air, and it's a comforting scent that could lull jongin to sleep any other day. but not today. not today.

sometimes he gets into these moods, you see. all positive and cheerful (as cheerful as jongin can be) one moment, and then bam, quiet and moody the next.

luhan always claims that it's his monthly period, usually accompanied by a muffled laugh that reminds jongin of fairy dust and the little bells that tinkle whenever you enter a convenience store.

except it isn't monthly - jongin isn't lucky enough - and he doubts every woman falls into a spiral of self-pity whenever their monthly cycle strikes. he's got firsthand accounts. (he's got four sisters.)

"hyung, what are you doing?" a voice calls out. jongin jolts out of his little mood, focusing on that one spot on the wall of the dance studio. sehun's looking at him with brows furrowed, blond bangs falling into his eyes and head tilted to a side.

it's easy to plaster on a smile and say everything's alright, so jongin does just that.

life would be a lot easier if people were all the same. sure, it would be kind of boring, jongin thinks, but it wouldn't be so bad if everything was predictable and routine. there'd be no surprises.

"hello, my name is kyungsoo," the boy greets. "what kind of bread are you looking for? today's special is the cinnamon swirl."

oh. right. he almost forgot, he's at a bakery. sehun's on his right and luhan on sehun's, their arms tangled together in a strange, strange knot and the sides of their body pressed up against each other. they're in public, but they don't care, not these two. it's a happy little bubble that they live in.

sehun and luhan don't hear the boy. they are still in that bubble, and sehun's pulling luhan along to go look at the pastries.

"ah, i'm not looking for anything," jongin says. "my friends are. but, thanks."

the boy gives a nod. but he doesn't smile, not even with those pretty heart-shaped lips of his. jongin didn't notice at first because the boy's voice was pleasant and lilting and smooth, but he wears no expression except one of conjured politeness. if he smiles, jongin thinks, he wouldn't even have an eyesmile, not with those gigantic eyes of his.

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