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Gimme some comments guys! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

(Haven't proof read this but I'm too eager to post it lol)

Nine fifty eight, the time reads.

Just two minutes before ten, the latest time I'd set for my child of a father to snap out of his grudge and come speak to me. Not that I told him this.

Uncle Rowan and I agreed he needed the time to let his emotions simmer but we also realised that since it was my special birthday tomorrow, this confrontation would have to happen tonight at some point.

I tried to distract myself in the time being with Zio's to-die-for pasta and my favourite childhood disney movies but once I realised my eyes were on the small numbers in the top corner of my phone more than the t.v screen I switched it off and spent my time anxiously counting down the seconds.

Most days I thank the heavens that I was born with a young, energetic father rather than some old out of touch beer bellied man with outdated opinions and nothing in common with me. Kian and I practically grew up together and I couldn't have wished for any better. It was a blessing...most days.

Today, it was a curse.

Most parents ground their kids and force premature, heated conversations on them during disputes.

All within the past couple of hours my father has taken passive aggression to another level.

Kian couldn't settle with locking himself away in his en-suite until he felt collected and mature enough to talk things out. And he wouldn't directly face me out of pure pettiness either.

Instead he crept down the stairs and unplugged the box to the wifi, putting an end to my Disney marathon.

I waited for him to slam his door shut before tiptoeing down the stairs to quietly fix it back up and return to my bedroom.

Then it happened again.

This time he took the whole entire wifi system with him to his bedroom. That was his unspoken way of saying he was still mad about what I done. He still believed I was in the wrong and he wasn't about to apologise soon.

So I switched to my phone's data to mindlessly scroll through random videos thinking he couldn't possibly stop me unless he came and faced me like he should as a fourty year old man.

But then a text came through from my network provider telling my my data had been capped and I wasn't able to use anymore.

I'd gritted my teeth and raked my hands through my hair frustratedly but never the less held my grip on my patience.

All I had left to use were offline text messages. So I did.

Me: I'm still not sorry, Kian.

Dad: You should be, Kiara Georgia Wiley.

I had rolled my eyes at that response. The irony wasn't lost on me by the use of my full birth name. It felt like mere seconds ago we were both rousing from sleep in dad's bed listening to Kelly shout Jace's full name as dad and I joked about it. Now here we were the next day in the same position as Kelly and Jace.

Ten o' clock hits and I tear out of my bedroom, eager to get this out of the way with so that I can rest at last.

Across the hall stepping out of his room at the exact same time is dad.

Our gazes catch and both narrow in suspicion. I don't know which of us crosses our arms first but we both do and it annoys me even more. Why must we be so similar at the worst possible time?

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