Bring Your Friends

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"Who is he?"

I rubbed my forehead with one hand, looking down at the granite counter. "I already told you Lucas. They helped us when we were in trouble. But we separated and then came here."

"You failed to mention you'd been sticking by a group the last few days."

"They helped us out for a bit, but it wasn't anything long. Besides, they're good people. Rick is a good person."

"Why are you defending him so much?" Lucas stopped pacing, his eyes shooting daggers at me.

"Because he helped us. They all did." I spoke up loudly.

"I just find it funny how you didn't think to mention such a large group. And besides, that Rick guy"-

There was a hard knock at the front door. I slid off my stool and walked to open it, finding Maggie with her back facing me as she took in all her surroundings. She whipped around, her eyes lighting up. "Long time no see stranger!"I accepted her hug, smelling the same shampoo my bathroom was stocked with. We broke apart, her grinning widely and turning back. "They've sure got a lot of stuff back from before." She said softly.

"I know. Please, won't you come in for some coffee?" I opened the door wider and stepped to the side.

"I've had three cups already. I missed coffee so much I couldn't get to the pot fast enough." She laughed freely, crossing her arms. I heard Lucas come up behind me.

"Hi, I'm Ana's husband Lucas." He extended a hand past me towards Maggie.

Maggie's grin faltered for a second, but then came on full wattage as she shook his hand. "Lucas. Great meeting you. I'm Maggie, I'm with the"-

"The new group. Of course. Hope you're settling in fine. Ana baby I'm gonna take a shower." He nodded towards Maggie. "Nice meeting you, really. Don't be a stranger."

I heard his steps creak up the stairs, then turned back to Maggie. "Come in, I don't want you to be standing outside."

"Fine fine, if you insist." She strode in and sat on the couch.

"How is everyone?" I sat across the couch from her, crossing my legs.

"Still cautious. We're being wary after our last run in with a group, as to be expected. Everyone's stayin at Rick's house tonight, even though they gave us each our own place. I'm kind of excited really, even though some are wary right now. Especially Rick."

"Rick?" I questioned in surprise. "If anything I'd expect Rick to be the most at ease."

"You're kidding. Rick puts up a wall faster than you can say the word wall itself."

"But when Jesse and I"-

"That was different. You were different." Maggie's eyes flashed towards the stairs, then back to me. "Rick is talkin about being careful with these people. If we've got to fight"-

"Fight?" I repeated.

"Rick feels something off about this place, and he's not listenin to me or Glenn or anyone else who doesn't agree with him. You've got Carol and Daryl and Michonne agreeing with him, but the rest of us think otherwise. But you get those four goin and there's no stopping them."

"You don't think there's anything off with this place?"

Maggie shook her head. "Honestly, Meredith seems like a sweetheart. My papa would've said she's the type of woman that could lead an army if she wanted to." Maggie's eyes clouded over for a second, and then she came back. "Besides, maybe they could help in finding Beth."

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