Old Problems, New Juries

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"Rick, how much longer?" Carol spoke up behind me.

"Soon, just want to cover a little more area before sundown."

"We have to find shelter. It ain't safe walking around these parts at night. We're right on the outskirts of a large city." Daryl hoisted his crossbow up, standing next to Carol.

"Rick, we should stop." The others nodded in agreement with my words. Jesse leaned onto me. He was tired and his face was flushed with sweat. We hadn't taken a break since the afternoon.

"We'll stop in a little while, come on."

Glenn walked up, falling into step next to Rick. He put a hand on his shoulder, leaning in to say something.

"Come on baby."

Jesse groaned as I pushed him forward. I would have carried him, but my arms were sore from hoisting and swinging the backpack over my shoulder. I was grateful Carl had entertained Jesse for the last few hours, but I knew even Carl was worn out by now.

I wiped my brow, standing up and fixing the backpack yet again. I could see the large building looming overhead.

"Rick." Daryl said in warning. The closer we got to the city, the more walkers we'd encounter. If we didn't figure out a way to travel through the edge, we'd have to walk right through it. But in the morning, that was the safest time.

Rick stopped suddenly and so did everyone else. I looked around. The highway signs were showing the next exit five miles from where we were. Rick walked towards the right, moving upwards on the little path leading up to a small row of houses. I moved to follow, but Daryl put a hand on my shoulder.


Rick turned and locked eyes with Daryl, who began to talk towards him, holding his crossbow up. They walked up side by side, and suddenly Rick pulled out his gun. Daryl beat him to it, shooting a bow which must have hit a walker. Finally Daryl turned and nodded at all of us.

"Mama, I'm hungry."

"We're almost gonna stop Jesse, don't worry." Carol spoke up, smiling tight lipped.

Maggie fell into walking next to me, her eyes scouring through our surroundings. "I've never liked the city. I always have preferred the open field."

"You'll love California then." I cracked sarcastically. "There's a city every ten miles it seems. Unless you're going North."

"That's a price I'm willing to pay. When I see Beth, I'm totally ripping her a new one for making us go all the way there." She smiled at me.

I smiled back, but something twisted in my stomach. Maggie was so hopeful, too hopeful to be good it seemed. What if, for some reason, we didn't find Beth? I didn't want to think that way but I couldn't help it.

We entered a small neighborhood, all the houses practically the same. There was the usual mess of cars on the street, most with their doors thrown open. Some garage doors were also open, and I pushed Jesse quickly when we had to pass them, not looking into them too much myself.

We finally stopped in front of one of the few houses with the front door shut, no windows broken. It was very rare but my whole body was sore and any place that was safe would due. Rick walked towards the door and threw himself against it, the door giving away easily. Glenn joined them in patrolling it, but it wasn't long before we were all piling in through the doorway.

The living room wasn't exactly tidy, the coffee table shoved awkwardly to the side and picture frames shattered on the wooden floor. But stepping past the glass shards and entering the kitchen, you wouldn't even know it belonged to the same house.

Solace (Walking Dead/Rick Grimes)Where stories live. Discover now