【Chapter 4 】

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"You guys ready?" Leo asked as he put his sword in its scabbard, "hm? Are you not going to wake Mikey?" Raph asked, "Right!" Leo turned around and rushed to Mikey's room. Leo knocked on the door and when receiving no answer, he turned the door handle and opened it, there the oldest saw the youngest laying there in his bed fast asleep, Leo went up to him, "Mikey? Mike! It's time for patrol." Leo called but received no response. Leo shook Mikey's shoulder "Mikey!" Leo called louder. The sleeping turtle groaned and turned away. Leo felt Mikey's head and was immediately met with a wet palm. Leo retracted and sighed, going out of Mikey's room Leo grabbed a cold wet towel and gently placed it back on his little brother's head. "Feel better baby bro." Leo smiled and left the room.

"So? Is he getting ready?" Donnie asked, "no, it'll be best to let him rest, he seems to be in no condition to come with us tonight. I mean- his body temperature was really high!" Leo sighed, "hmm, I'll have to check up on him when we get back." Donnie turned and began to walk off with the other two behind him.

The night drifted by slowly, without Mikey distracting them it just felt boring. The positive side of this was that they were able to cover more ground than usual.
"Seems like it's all clear today." Leo said, gazing over the city from a rooftop, "Yeah, let's go back." Raph began to walk, "Should we get Pizza first? I'm sure Mikey would appreciate it." Donnie smiled, "sounds good to me. You in Raph?" Leo turned to Raph. "Eeeh, why not." Said turtle shrugged. The trio raced towards Antonio's Pizza-Rama and collected their pizza.
"How fast do you think Mikey's gonna eat this without us noticing?" Raph asked as he held the box with their delicious food inside, "hm, based off of last week's record I'd say about 3 seconds?" Donnie hummed, "he might be slower today. Remember, he's sick?" Leo pointed out, "Yeah but this is Mikey we're on about." Raph laughed. "Yeah, your right. How could I forget." Leo playfully rolled his eyes.

"We got Pizza!" Raph shouted as he slaughtered clumsily into the living room, placing the boxed up food down on the floor, Leo and Donnie sat down on the couch and waited for the rest of the family to arrive. Splinter and Mikey had left Donnie's lab, the youngest looked sick and pained, "Uh- no offence sensei but what were you doing in my lab? And Mikey? You feeling okay?" Donnie asked, tilting his head, "Michelangelo was feeling extremely sick. So I gave him medicine and he's feeling a bit better now. But he is very tired." Splinter informed, "Damn Mikey. You look like shi-" Raph was cut off, "Raph! Sorry, this had to happen Mikey. Do you think it has something to do with that bite?" Leo asked Mikey's eyes widened with realisation, "I can go check if it's infected or not?" Donnie offered, "No need my son. I have already checked over him. The best we can do is keep an eye on Michelangelo until he recovers. He will not be going on any missions or patrols until he is better." Sensei sternly said as he stroked his goatee "he can still participate in training if he feels well enough." Sensei smiled, and Mikey weakly smiled back.
"Come here, Mikey. Maybe having your favourite food will help you?" Leo offered, ripping off a slice of pizza and handing it out to Mikey. The youngest walked over and picked up the pizza, he ate it quickly before he moaned in delight and began to eat the rest of the box. The rest of the brothers sighed, once Mikey was finished Donnie pulled out a timer, "Too slow today. 8 seconds. Worse than last week." Donnie smiled, "I have an excuse." Mikey grinned before groaning "I'm gonna be in my room." Mikey said and went in the direction of the bedroom.

The rest of the room remained quiet, "who's paying for Pizza this time?" Raph asked, "Not me, I paid for the last one." Leo crossed his arms, "I'm not doing it! I paid for the last weeks!" Donnie growled, "look like it's your turn Raph." Donnie and Leo smirked. Raphael rolled his eyes and pulled out his T-phone, dialling a number and placing it against his head, "uh- hey can I get-"


Bloodied Flowers // tmnt 2012 Mikey angst  [!COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now