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⚠️T/w: Death, execution, and suicide⚠️

The news about the Darklane district spread to the ends of the empire quicker than a forest fire during the dry season. The topic made its way into the newspapers, magazines, and people's gossip.
It finally became a top scandal among nobles when it was announced that Duke Hawthorne's daughter was arrested for dabbling in black magic and was to be executed in the next three days.
The perfect daughter of Hawthorne, who occupies a prominent position in society, is nothing but a witch and a fake. The fickle nobles carried this rumor around; it became the most discussed topic at tea parties and social gatherings.
"Maybe that's how she was able to seduce men into falling head over heels for her! So disgusting!"
"I actually looked up to her! She was like a shining light; fortunately, I have seen her true colors now."
Madeline was, in fact, the happiest when she heard about her sister's execution. Finally, she had gotten what she wanted for so long. It was so hard to keep her happiness within her; if she suddenly started singing and dancing while her sister was about to be killed and her parents were still in a coma, fingers would be pointed at her.
So she locked herself in her room, wearing only black, simple clothes without makeup, to pretend like she was mourning. The servants could only pity Madeline; her sister is now the Empire's enemy, and her parents fell into a deep coma due to depression. Her family is falling apart.
The only servant who actually knew Madeline's true color wept for her mistress as her resentment grew for Madeline. She suspects Madeline of also putting her parents in a coma. Such a cunning demon.
Christopher Wallace, who is Amelia's fiance, also heard about Amelia's execution and was pitied and considered lucky for almost entering an everlasting relationship with a witch.
But he was also ridiculed by Amelia's ex-admirers for courting a witch, like they weren't in love with Amelia at the beginning. They just did it to spite Christopher, an average son of a Viscount who stole their 'woman' but, in the end, got a demon as a companion. They can say it's the taste of his own medicine.
Christopher visited the Duke's mansion to meet with Madeline. He sat in their reception while the servant went to alert Madeline of his arrival. After a while, Madeline enters the reception wearing a floor-length black gown without her usual makeup or accessories.
Christopher started laughing, but Madeline wasn't pleased with his laughter. She pouted and folded her arms.
"What's funny?" She asked him, annoyed.
"You are mourning?" He answered her with another question. Madeline was such a cunning woman whose intelligence wasn't acknowledged. He liked that about her. He met Madeline after he and Amelia got engaged. Madeline was slow to warm up to him, but one day, she finally told him how she felt.
He wasn't sure about such a relationship. She was his fiancee's sister, but soon he got addicted to the thrill of having a secret relationship. The more time he spent with Madeline, the more his mind became closed off to Amelia. He started to see her as a vain woman with excessive pride who turned him into an object of mockery amongst his brothers. And Madeline, a graceful, mature, and intelligent yet misunderstood woman. He was attracted to her and wanted to make Madeline his
It was unknown to him that Madeline didn't feel the same way about him but was using him as payback for the many years she felt wronged by Amelia.
Now he is more like a trophy of accomplishment. She took everything that belonged to Amelia; besides, she already started to have blossoming feelings for him, so why not continue to toy with him?
"Why? Should I wear fancy clothes and be  criticized?" She retorted back. He smiled and sat next to her.
"I thought your plan was going to fail after you told me she already found out; I was honestly disturbed."
"Don't you have any faith in me?" Christopher buried his head on her shoulders and inhaled her sweet smell.
"Of course I do." He kissed her neck lightly. "I never for once doubted you." He held her close and kissed her forehead.
After the execution announcement, Madeline paid the maid for her 'services' and arranged for her to leave Veridian with her parents almost immediately.
Ignus was a small town about 10 kilometers away from Veridian. Not many people reside in the town, and the folks seemed to know each other. Her parents were very satisfied with their new way of life; they associated with other town folk and seemed to enjoy living in Ignus.
She, on the other hand, still felt guilty about what she did and regretted it. The news about Amelia's execution broke something in her. She felt unclean and evil.
Her parents noticed their daughter's behavior, and it troubled them greatly. The daughter looked dull compared to those days before they became helpless in poverty. Their daughter had to start working as a maid to fend for them; since then, she has always been troubled. But there was nothing they could do; she didn't tell them about what she was experiencing.
Her mood became worse as the day of the execution came closer. She couldn't stand it anymore; she took a paper and pen and began to write down her deepest thoughts.

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