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In the lavishly adorned boardroom of the Blackwood Hotel, Victoria and Alexander took their positions at the head of the imposing conference table, ready to reveal their partnership with the Opulent Chateau in a room filled with investors.

Victoria, wearing a sharp business suit, surveyed the room with her aloof demeanor, while Alexander, equally well-dressed and sporting a confident smile, stood by her side. The investors, a mix of stern-looking individuals, awaited the presentation.

Victoria whispered a reminder to Alexander: "Remember, let's stick to the plan." He acknowledged her with a nod and a reassuring smile.

Clearing her throat, Victoria commenced the presentation with confidence. "Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to discuss a collaboration between two esteemed establishments, the Blackwood Hotel and the Opulent Chateau."

Whispers and hesitant applause followed the announcement, revealing that not everyone was sold on the idea. Victoria and Alexander recognized that they had to work hard to win over every member of the board.

Victoria chose to explain further. "We know that some of you may have some contributions to make, and we genuinely value your input. If anyone has questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to voice them. Transparency is key."

Mr. Jenkins, one of the investors, raised an eyebrow, voicing his skepticism. "Could you please elaborate on the details of this partnership, Miss Victoria?"

Victoria leaned forward, ready to clarify. "Certainly, Mr. Jenkins. This partnership allows our guests to enjoy the best of both worlds: the luxury of the Opulent Chateau and the sophistication of the Blackwood Hotel. We've created exclusive packages to make our guests' experiences even better."

As Victoria explained the partnership details, Mr. Jenkins remained skeptical, crossing his arms. "But how can we be sure it will be profitable? I've invested in the Opulent Chateau before, and they always delivered. While the Mistress of the Blackwood Hotel has a good reputation, collaborations like this can be risky. Can you offer more reassurance that this will succeed?"

Victoria's expression tightened. "Mr. Jenkins, our thorough market research overwhelmingly supports its potential for significant profit. However, if you need more security, I'm willing to personally refund your investment if we fall short of our projections."

Her emphasis on the last part seemed to resonate among the investors, and they exchanged murmurs. Another investor raised his hand, clearly dissatisfied.

Victoria acknowledged him, her annoyance showing. "Yes, sir, do you have a question?"

He folded his arms and wore a thoughtful expression. "I still have some doubts about how this partnership will benefit us, especially considering your reputation for dealing with other investors in the past."

Victoria maintained her composure and replied calmly, "I appreciate your concerns, and I assure you that our approach in this partnership will be both fair and transparent. Our goal is to create a mutually beneficial collaboration."

But he was unyielding. "Well, I've been an investor for decades, and I have a gut feeling about these things. I don't like it, and my gut is never wrong."

Victoria was dumbfounded, her frustration mounting. She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Respectfully, gut feelings are not the most reliable business indicators."

"My gut has never failed me! I won't proceed with this," he insisted adamantly.

Victoria's voice raised slightly. "I'm not concerned with your gut feelings!"

The other investors whispered to each other; their conversations hushed as they observed how Victoria reacted to one of their fellow investors. They were cautious, hoping to avoid the same fate as some of her past investors who had faced her tough business practices, which made them hesitant to fully embrace the partnership.

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