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Mid-January had arrived, and with it came the crisp embrace of winter. The city was adorned with a delicate layer of snow, and the streets glistened like a field of diamonds in the pale winter sun. The air was frigid, but it held a certain enchantment.
Amelia, Victoria, and Eliza continued their friendship, frequently meeting about the mysterious letter they found in the box. Despite the chill in the air, their hearts were warmed by the bond they had formed.
However, the empire's mysteries are beginning to gradually unravel, like the delicate petals in the frosty air.
Finally, after two weeks, Madeline agreed to meet Christopher for lunch. She was already sick and tired of the numerous letters addressed to her. The countless letters irked her to no end.
Madeline sat in the dimly lit corner of the elegant restaurant. Her posture was perfect, her hands resting gracefully on her lap. Her eyes were cold and calculating.
Madeline had arrived earlier than Christopher. While she waited for him, she looked around the restaurant and observed the interactions of the people.
Christopher entered the restaurant, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Madeline. He approached her with a hopeful smile, but she remained composed, her expression cool and unbothered.
A mixture of excitement and longing filled Christopher. His emotions had been in turmoil ever since he received the invitation from Madeline. He had longed to be with her openly, to express his love without constraints. Today was supposed to be the day, he thought as he approached her table with a longing smile.
"Madeline," he greeted her warmly as he took a seat across from her. His eyes focused on the beauty in front of him.
"Christopher," she replied, her tone flat and distant. Christopher noticed but decided to brush it off. "Thank you for joining me today."
Christopher sat down, his smile fading as he began to express his feelings. "Madeline, we haven't had a chance to talk since everything happened with Amelia. I've missed you terribly."
Madeline met his gaze with an expressionless one. "Okay?" she replied calmly, her tone lacking any form of affection.
"I've missed you so much." His voice was tinged with longing. "These past weeks have been torturous without you, Madeline."
Madeline's expression remained unchanged. "I received your letters, Christopher," she replied coolly with a bit of annoyance. "All of them."
A flicker of hope crossed Christopher's face. "Then you understand how much you mean to me and how much I want us to be together." Madeline laughed at his desperation. He felt a pang of distress at her actions but chose to dismiss them.
Madeline's lips tightened into a thin line. "Christopher. That's why I invited you here today to clear the air."
His heart sank, sensing a shift in the conversation's tone. "Clear the air? What do you mean, Madeline?"
She locked eyes with him with annoyance written all over her face before continuing. "Christopher, it's time I told you the truth. I cannot be with you. Our relationship was a mistake, a mistake that can easily be forgotten."
The words hit him like a physical blow, and his jaw dropped in disbelief. "What are you saying, Madeline? You can't mean that."
Madeline continued coldly, "I have thought long and hard about this, and I realize that our relationship has become useless to me. I cannot be entangled in this affair any longer."
Christopher's heart sank, and he couldn't hide the hurt in his eyes. "Madeline, what are you saying? We love each other. We were going to be together."
He reached out to grasp her hand, but she withdrew her hand swiftly, now gazing at him with an icy expression. Christopher felt his heart shattered as the woman who once gazed at him with warmth and recognition was now glaring at him in contempt.
"But, Madeline, I love you!" Christopher's voice trembled with desperation.
Madeline's voice remained firm. "I can't be with you, Christopher. Our situation has changed, and my decision is final. I have nothing to do with you; stop sending me letters."
His voice quivered. He refused to believe what he was hearing: "Is this about Amelia? She's no longer in the picture. We can be together openly now."
Madeline gaped incredulously, her hatred bubbling to the surface at the mention of Amelia. "It's nothing about Amelia. It's never about Amelia. You will not mention her name around me!" She gritted.
Christopher felt a chill over Madeline's warning. Madeline exhaled sharply, trying to maintain her composure. "Christopher! It's time to move on."
Christopher's frustration increased as he felt a mixture of emotions as the turmoil in his heart increased. "Madeline, I've poured my heart into each letter sent to you. I have loved you deeply, from the bottom of my heart. This is unfair, Madeline! After everything we've been through, you're just going to throw it all away."
"Christopher, let it go." Madeline interjected with a nonchalant tone, wondering how she got herself into this mess.
He continued, his emotions threatening to burst out of his chest. "You don't understand how hard it's been for me. I've been going crazy not being able to see you. Madeline, no one understands you like I do!"
The whole restaurant was already aware of the little scene being put up by Christopher and Madeline. A few heads turned in the direction of their tables to continue watching the two's interaction.
Christopher was incredulous, his frustration and heartbreak evident in his voice. "You're breaking my heart, Madeline! Do you know how much I love you and how much I am willing to sacrifice for this love? And now you're just going to cast it aside before we are able to fully explore this?"
Madeline sighed, her voice gentle but firm. "I don't care, and I never did, Christopher. Get a grip; everyone thinks you're insane. Stop causing a scene."
Christopher noticed the pairs of eyes focused on their table, realizing that his outburst was causing a scene. With the emotional turmoil he felt at the moment, he couldn't care less about the watchful eyes of the restaurant's customers.
Christopher was on the verge of a breakdown. "I can't move on with you. I can't let you go. I swear, I will do anything to get you back!"
Madeline's eyes narrowed on Christopher, finding amusement in his distress but unwilling to be embarrassed further by talking to him: "Christopher, I am leaving!"
With that, Madeline rose from her chair, and Christopher watched her, a storm of emotions raging within him. He felt the sting of rejection, frustration, and heartache. As Madeline walked away, he was left alone with his thoughts.
"I will get you back!" He promised as he clenched his fist.
Victoria checked her appearance in the mirror one last time, her fingers smoothing over the fabric of her blue button-up shirt and pants. She was going for a casual yet professional look, and she wanted everything to be just right for the day ahead.
Her manager, Jaxon, stepped into her office with an urgent expression, but upon seeing her, he hesitated. "Should I come in later?" he asked, taken aback by her actions.
Victoria turned to him, brushing off his question. "Jaxon, do you think I look causal enough?"
The manager observed her and then nodded after assessing her outfit, not knowing why she asked.
"Thank you!" Victoria walked over to the coat rack to grab her coat and made her way towards the door.
"Are you going out now?" Her manager called to her incredulously after realizing,  "Well, we still have issues to finalize!"
"Push them to later." As she opened the door to leave, she was startled to find Alexander standing right in front of her. Her quick reaction was to step back, a mix of surprise and annoyance washing over her.
"I sent a memo this morning; I just wanted to know if you got it?" He said it with a monotone tone. Victoria rolled her eyes, just like she had been trying to avoid.
Victoria rolled her eyes, feeling exasperated by his presence. "I didn't check." Victoria said nonchalantly, folding her arms defiantly.
"Well then, Victoria, since you didn't get it, I could just tell you now." Alexander began with a polite tone, "I was hoping to have a word with you about the upcoming board meeting. We must discuss some key matters."
Victoria frowned; she had no interest in discussing business at this moment. She already had plans with her friends, and she didn't want to be late. Was it that hard to escape the burden of corporate affairs, even for a few hours?
"I'm terribly sorry, Alexander," Victoria replied with forced politeness, "but I'm already running late for a prior engagement. We can discuss the board meeting at another time."
Alexander's expression changed to one of frustration. He had been trying to get Victoria to schedule the board meeting with the shareholders, but Victoria constantly avoided him.
"Victoria, please," he sighed, taking a step closer to her office. "This is important, and your input is required."
Victoria, however, remained stubborn. "I understand the importance, but I cannot delay any longer. We'll talk about it later; send a memo; don't come like this next time." She walked past him into the hallway.
"I can't be seeing your face all the time." Victoria mumbled unintentionally loud enough for Alexander to hear, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret as he watched her retreating figure when Victoria expressed her displeasure at seeing him.
With that, Victoria quickly left, leaving Alexander standing by the door, conflicted and unsure of how to make amends for the growing tension between them.
As Victoria made her way to the awaiting carriage, she could finally see her friends. However, her thoughts went back to Alexander and their unresolved conflict. She knew she couldn't avoid him forever. It was unprofessional and unethical, but she couldn't deny the uneasiness she felt around him.
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose to ward off a headache. Dealing with him would take a lot of willpower.
After her so-called 'lunch' with Christopher, Madeline went ahead to accomplish the actual reason she went out.
She navigated the streets of Veridian on foot, making her way to an inconspicuous building in a busy part of the city.
Madeline reached the building, looking around for anyone suspicious before entering the building. The building was a substantial apartment complex. There was no one in the lobby, just dusty chairs, a broken lamp, worn-out wallpaper, and dirty rugs.
Madeline took the stairs to the second floor and walked down the empty hallway of doors before reaching a particular door. The door is never locked; she reached for the knob and turned it to enter.
The door to the building opened silently, revealing a dimly lit chamber where the smell of damp, dirty clothes lingered in the air. In the living room area of the chamber, there was a woman in her mid-forties who looked incredibly older than her age, with her hair fully turned white and wrinkles that seemed to appear every time she made a facial expression.
As she stepped inside, a feeling of anxiousness and admiration filled her heart. Madeline cautiously approached the woman, who sat over at a small table cluttered with an assortment of strange objects and tattered books. The room was dimly lit by a flickering candle.
Madeline knelt at this woman's feet and placed her head on her lap. The woman turned her gaze toward Madeline, her expression a mixture of warmth and recognition.
"You've come," the woman beamed as she began to affectionately stroke Madeline's hair. "Why did it take so long?"
Madeline leaned into the woman's comforting touch, her smile growing warmer. "I was dealing with things."
The woman hummed for her to continue. Madeline lifted her head from her lap and frowned.
Madeline hesitated, her gaze fixed on the woman, whose eyes held both kindness and understanding.
"I need your guidance." Madeline finally admitted. She looked to the floor and said, "I have been feeling frustrated lately, and it's all because of..."
"You don't need to tell me; I already understand." The woman spoke with a slight smile on her face.
The woman's expression remained empathetic, and she continued to gently stroke Madeline's hair to comfort her "Family." She started saying "can be a source of frustration and strife."
"I am indeed frustrated!" Madeline continued, exasperated.
The woman continued stroking Madeline's hair as she would to a cat. "I have always told you. In the world of nature, plants engage in a relentless battle for survival. In this relentless competition, it's a stark reality: either a plant thrives and flourishes or its neighboring rivals must ultimately yield and make way for its growth"
Madeline nodded, understanding the implied meaning of her words. Madeline had sought her guidance from time to time, and each time, it seemed like she always had an answer to Madeline's questions.
"I also thought about what you told me just now!" Madeline continued. The woman hummed in response: "Amelia ended her engagement with Christopher, and now he can't stop pestering me."
"Well, I think he needs to be cut down too!" She immediately spoke
"No, I will just ignore him, and then he will leave!" The woman leaned forward, her hands reaching out to cup Madeline's face. It was a touch that felt reassuring.
"I support your judgment, Madeline. Remember, I will always be here for you, and I am the only one who will." She felt a sense of gratitude for the woman's counsel.
Madeline beamed at the woman; her mood significantly improved, and she comfortably rested her head back on the woman's lap.
"Thank you, Guinevere!"
Guinevere had a wistful smile on her face before she continued. "Unfortunately, it seems like I can't fulfill my oath to you!"
"What?" Madeline raised her head once more, alarmed by Guinevere's sudden declaration.
"I have to leave Veridian." She said, caressing Madeline's cheeks. "I am leaving."
Madeline's face dropped at the revelation.
"Why...?" Her voice quivered, sadness evident.
"Don't be dismayed. You know I can't stay any longer; I am not safe here. I have watched you grow into a fine young woman! You've made me so proud of you." Guinevere kissed the top of Madeline's head and handed her a note.
"My gift before I depart is a place for you to seek guidance after I am gone!" She spoke softly to Madeline as she examined the note. There was an address on the note, and the address was a random word.
"That's the passcode," Guinevere told her. "Frustrations can be made to disappear; this is an avenue to actualize your goals."

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