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Amelia gazed out of the carriage window, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as they approached the splendor of the Imperial Palace. The palace's towering spires and architecture showcased the prestige and power of the ruling family. It was a sight that never failed to awe her, no matter how many times she had visited.
As the carriage rolled through the palace gates, the palace's interior came into view. Lush gardens, perfectly landscaped pathways, and elegant fountains greeted her eyes. Amelia's father had invited her to accompany him to the palace just so that she could broaden her research.
Amelia straightened her gown while anticipating the amount of knowledge the Imperial Library might have. Her father noticed her expression and made a satisfied face.
Her father sat across from her in the carriage, watching her intently. Amelia continued to take in the beauty and splendor of the imperial palace, but a thought came to her mind.
'The Imperial Palace is where the Imperial family lives. The Emperor is part of the Imperial family. The Emperor murdered me in my past life. Her mind raced as the carriage entered the palace. She was now in the den of the man who had a hand in her death, as well as Eliza and Victoria's deaths.
As the carriage came to a halt, footmen opened the doors, and Amelia emerged, her heart racing with nervousness. She stepped onto the pavement.
Crystal chandeliers illuminated the hallways with a warm and inviting glow, casting delicate patterns on the marble floor. Elaborate murals adorned the walls, depicting scenes from history and myth.
Amelia's eyes darted around the hallways, feeling a bit uneasy. Her father spoke, not noticing her nervousness. "I am going in to see the Emperor; would you like to come with me?"
Amelia flinched and subconsciously made a disgusted face. "No, father, I think we have to part at this point. See you later!" With that, Amelia turned her heels and briskly walked off in the direction of the library.
Her father shook his head. "Well, she will soon be the head of the duchy; she will have no choice but to see him later in the future."
Amelia's heel clicked on the marble floor as she made her way to her destination. Her mind is becoming erratic just at the thought of meeting with the man who ordered her execution.
'Okay, even though he ordered your execution in your last life, he was just doing his stupid job. At least it's not like I would run into him. Anyway, if I did, I would probably ignore him.
She finally made her way to the palace's opulent library. The vast collection of books and manuscripts was a treasure trove of knowledge.
Her eyes shone at the many books, and she proceeded to start searching the library for books that might be related to her research. She selected a few books and sat in the corner of the library, not wanting to be discovered or disturbed. She brought her tiny notebook with her so she could write down her discoveries.
While she read with her back against a bookcase, a person noticed her strawberry blonde hair as he reached for a book in the bookcase opposite hers. Amelia didn't notice anything at all, as she was already engrossed in her present book.
Silently, without her knowledge, he continued taking books from the shelf, giving himself a clear view of her. He was clearly intrigued, but Amelia remained completely unaware, too absorbed in her research.
A small smile played on his lips. Not many people visited the library, so it surprised him to see her in the library. He continued to observe her like she was a mythical creature.
He watched how she would randomly scribble in her notebook or chew her nails in concentration. He thought she was strange, but he couldn't deny the pull he felt toward her. He returned the books to their original places with care.
He beamed as he thought of an idea. He took his notebook, tore a page out of it, and wrote a simple note on the page, then passed it under the bookshelf.
Amelia caught something moving in her peripheral vision; she quickly looked up from her book in fright. She found a small piece of paper on the floor. She picked it up and examined it.


She saw it in cursive handwriting. She looked around and found no one who couldn't have left the letter. She shrugged and kept the letter in its former position.
"It's probably none of my business." Amelia muttered as she got back to her reading. A note came from under the bookshelf with more force, this time making the paper move towards her. She noticed this again and picked it up. Unfolding the note with curiosity, Amelia's eyebrows furrowed as she read the next few words scrawled on the paper:

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