Chapter Two: Anxious Angel

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Here's the second chapter, hope you all enjoy it!


Where in the hell were those two, I’d really begun losing my patience. It was supposed to have been a quick, easy demon, that’s what they’d said on the phone anyways.

   I paced on the spot; I had news, important news that I wanted them to get cracking at right away. But of course they weren’t there at their motel room and I couldn’t find them because of my stupid protection ward I placed on them.

   I heard a engine being cut, car doors slamming, arguing and then the door to the motel opened.

   “I think there was something more,” Sam said.

   “Of course there was,” Dean agreed. “But it had nothing bad to do with her, she was a hunter.”

   They turned, saw me and standing there and jumped.

   “Cas, hey,” Dean said going to the little kitchen and grabbing a beer.

   “I have news,” I began.

   “You always do,” Dean said and his sarcasm, as always, was lost on me.

   “Yes,” I agreed and stood while they arranged themselves at the table. “I have found out that this is Gaia’s territory.”

   “You mean the Greek Creator goddess?” Sam questioned lifting some chips to his mouth.

   “Of course. This is Gaia’s place, her sacred town… at the moment,” I told them, although they had no idea what this really meant – for me.

   “Okay,” Dean said, dragging out the word.

   “Meaning that her and her daughters are here and may be the key to helping us to stop the apocalypse.”

   Sam sat up and looked at me more intent. Dean on the other hand took another sip of beer. “How so?” he said. “I thought the Great Mother was angry with God?”

   “Yes of course she is,” I told them and they looked at me like I was crazy. “But we may be able to pry them away from that memory.”

   “It’s been a long held grudge Cas,” Dean stated. “Centuries long in fact.”

   I disregarded that. All I really wanted to do was find Gaia so that I could find her.

   “Yes, but think of our advantage,” I pushed. “We’d have the strongest army if they fought alongside us.”

   “Yeah, but the chances are slim that they’d fight with us,” Dean said. “After all we are the enemy.”

   “C’mon think of the possibilities,” I was practically begging them now. I needed to find Gaia’s Sanctuary.

   “It’s worth a try,” Sam said and my heart lifted.

   “I guess,” Dean gave a shrug. “After all we haven’t had any luck.”

   “Good,” I clasped my hands and smiled, they just stared at me. “I think it would really help us,” I covered, they didn’t take the bait, but they also didn’t need to know my real reason. “Against Lucifer of course.” I donned my serious face.

   “You ok Cas?” Dean asked me.

   “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I questioned feigning innocence.

   They both shrugged at each other. “You just seem more… jittery today,” Sam told me and it was my turn to do a nonchalant shrug.

   “Nah, just excited about the possibilities of having strong allies,” I told them. “We should ask around tomorrow and see if a strong group of women have moved in.”

   “We can’t we’re meeting someone tomorrow,” Sam said.

   “Well only one of us needs to go,” Dean told him. “And since you should be finding a solution to your mistake, I think I should just go meet her.”

   Sam’s mouth opened then closed as he thought of a response why he should go instead. But nothing cam out.

   “Who’re you meeting?” I questioned.

   “Friggin’ hot girl, man, that’s who,” Dean explained with a sly smile and I didn’t need to ask anymore. It was just like them to already be picking up chicks even after only being in town for less then two days.

   I heard an irritating ringing in my head and sighed. “See you here tomorrow morning?” I asked Sam.

   “I guess so,” he said looking downcast. I suppose she must have been a beauty.

   “Alright, I’ve got to get back to business,” I murmured, my hopes high as I disappeared.

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