Chapter Nine: A Turn... For The Best?

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Nothing hurts more then knowing that your favourite younger sister hates you because you tried to help her. That you only helped her for her own good, so that she doesn’t hurt in the future. Well apparently that didn’t work, because four hundred years in the future she still hurts and she hates you.

   “Arty, come help me with this paper work,” Mother called from the room beside mine. I rolled my eyes, for a goddess who’d helped create the world she didn’t understand it very well. I got off my couch and went to her office which was in between mine and Selene’s rooms, since we were the oldest and most loyal.

   “Mom, I don’t know why you don’t just let me take care of it. You can’t do it without me anyways,” I stated grabbing a pile of papers and sitting in a brown leather chair in a corner. She looked at me with her big, blue eyes, ones that seemed to just look right through me. Of course those were the things that always looked otherworldly about her when she was donning her mortal form.

   “Oh Arty, I have to have some sort of activity that allows me to interact with my daughters.”

   I gave her a smile which she returned. “You’ve got archery, gardening, astrology, yoga and even fighting lessons.”

   She waved these away with her hand. “But I like just sitting here and talking with you and learning from all of you.”

   I grinned, she usually did all of the teaching, save for the times when Selene and I took over when she had a business trip to attend to. Usually including God and some sort of disagreement that was new, yet the old ones would be brought up as well.

   “Where’s Diana?” she asked innocently.

   I frowned, Diana. “She’s somewhere with Noko.”

   “Getting into trouble I suppose,” she stated looking at a file.

   “As usual.”

   She sighed. “The younger ones always seem to rebel. I don’t understand why.” I nodded remembering Lilith leaving us.

   “And those two men, the… the…”

   “Winchester’s,” I helped.

   “Ahh yes, the apocalypse starters,” she murmured and under her breath I heard, “Typical men.” Then she spoke up again. “How has that situation been going?”

   I sighed. “Not good, not good at all.” She looked at me curiously, forcing me to explain. “They’re not leaving despite the threats and rudeness. They’re just digging more and more. Plus Castiel’s back in town and I’m sure it’s only because they found information on us.”

   She folded her hands onto her desk and closed her eyes. She looked serene just sitting there like that, but I knew how looks could deceive,

   “Tell Diana, and the others who are out, to get home right away. It’s a family meeting.

   I nodded then looked at the papers in my hand. “But Mother, what about these?”

   She looked at them disdainfully. “Leave them; after all, we have all the time we want to get them done.”

   I nodded again before leaving to call the girls. Two feelings were rising in me; one was satisfaction that something was finally being done and the other was frightened that Diana might not like this and she might just leave.


“My little Di,” Mother said when Diana finally came home. She was the last one to arrive and I knew why; she had known what the discussion was going to be about and she’d wanted to postpone for as long as she could.

   “Mother,” Diana answered a little snarkily. I looked over at Mother who was seated regally and rather calmly in her sundress.

   “Please sit honey,” Mother said gesturing to a spot on the sofa beside her.

   “No, I’d rather stand,” she answered. “After all, at an intervention like this, you gotta have a quick get away.”

   Mother nodded and I rolled my eyes. “Di, just sit down,” I ordered her and she glared at me.

   “No,” she told me. “I’m not sitting down because there’s no reason for me to. This discussion will be short.” She said this so matter-of-fact that my whole chest began to tighten and become restricting. I was sure that this was her last straw.

   “Well then,” Mother said. “Diana you must convince your little friends to leave.”

   “Umm… no,” she said crossing her arms.

   “You’d rather let them wreck everything we have here?” Selene questioned.

   “No, I’d rather help them so that everything we have here will still be here in the future.”

   “The apocalypse is not our problem Di,” Selene told her. “It’s God’s and men’s”

   “What about the women, who aren’t God’s? Don’t we have a responsibility to them? Plus it is still happening here on our soil, Mom’s soil,” she answered.

   I stepped towards her. “But they won’t attack us. We can live like we always have and make more women after. We don’t have to get involved.”

   She looked at me and I could feel the daggers from her gaze. “I will get involved because I like the women now and I don’t want to just start over. Plus I have enough power to at least make a difference. I don’t need any of you; I was just hoping you’d be by my side for this. Like you’ve been by my side for every other problem.” Her words cut me deep.

   She looked around at all of us then. “But Lilith was right, you’re all just cowards. The lot of you, you can’t even defend your own planet. Lilith was right!” she said before turning and storming out of the house. I stood there stunned while the others shouted and argued after her.

   I turned towards Mother and saw her eyes understanding but pleading. I saw Nokomis get up and leave, casting me one last glance before disappearing. Then Mother nodded and I knew that I had her approval.

   I turned and left the house, after my little sister. My tie to her stronger then to all my other sisters and even my mother. I would be lost without her, so I had to join her even if the cause was not one I cared for. She was my little sis and I had to protect her.

There we go chapter 9!!! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and fan if you did. Leave a comment even.

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