Chapter Twelve: An Origin

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The tension in the air of the motel room was almost suffocating. I had never known Castiel to be so angry, of course I hadn’t known him for very long, but it was still scary. Also that Artemis girl was at odds with all of us even her ‘favourite’ sister. Sam wasn’t helping the situation by agreeing with Diana but saying we could still make another plan up, which we’ve been doing for several months now. Then Diana just was not getting along with neither Castiel nor her sister because she wants to sacrifice herself.

   And there I sit, in the middle of it all, not wanting to take any sides because I didn’t want to see anything rash happen. Also of course, Artemis looked like she’d rip me to pieces if I said another thing against her and I was all for staying together.

   “No, that won’t work either!” Diana exclaimed pushing the papers aside. “Nothing else is going to work unless you kill Lucifer or we do my plan. Which is the easier one here people?”

   “It’s not a question of what’s easier,” Castiel hissed. “It’s a question of which is right.”

   “Which is funny coming from an angel whose job is to sacrifice people if need be,” Artemis scoffed.

   “Well your not ‘people’ are you?” he challenged and she stood up. She was taller than him and a hell of a lot scarier looking.

   “I’m more of a person then you,” she told him. “At least I’ve got a soul and a will of my own.” She gave a wicked smile.

   “Who says I don’t have a will of my own?” Castiel questioned her and she opened her mouth to say something when I stood up.

   “This isn’t helping!” I yelled at them and all four of them looked at me surprised. “It’s not,” I stated more quietly. “We have to work together to get through this.”

   Sammy gave me a nod. “Dean’s right, you guys have some sort of issue, but you’re going to have to get over it. We need heads on straight and full cooperation.”

   “Says the boy who’s willing to sacrifice my sister,” Artemis said.

   “She was the one who said it first,” Sam retorted.

   “And you just – ”

   “SHUT UP!!!” I yelled and it was quiet again. “I’m going out for a drink.” I quickly grabbed my jacket and headed out the door only to smack straight into a small Native American girl holding a huge bag of stuff. “Sorry.”

   “No problem,” she said with a wide smile. “Dean is it?” she asked holding out her hand.

   I took it. “Yes… and you are?”

   “Nokomis, Noko for short,” she said. “Diana and Artemis’ sister,” she added at my blank look.

   “Right, the sister who was also for Team Winchester,” I acknowledged and she laughed.

   “Yeah, so are they in there then?” she asked.

   I looked back at the motel room. “Unfortunately they are stuck in that tiny room.”

   “And you’re out here?” she questioned dropping the duffel bag.

   “Well they are very argumentative at the moment,” I explained and she nodded.

   “It is Artemis, stuck in a room with an angel she absolutely hates and a guy, who she dislikes for no reason,” Noko answered. “And Diana has the gene we all seem to have gotten, the one of arguing.”

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