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As the night went by and she stayed up doing her job and dancing around her room looking like a lunatic on a poll she soon came to a close and laid down on her bed with her headset still on clearly already knowing the layout of her room for being on so many times of memorization and for the fact that their was a world in the game that had almost an exact replica of her home to witch she has made it her home world, but into doing so laying down to rest for a bit before she wanted to go immediately back into work she soon fell asleep on her very soft fluffy bed resulting in the night to pass too quickly.

where soon the sun was shining in from her window and she soon sat up a bit too quickly hearing a loud banging sound form down stairs, taking off her headset and putting it on her bed she made her way down stairs only to hear at her front door the furious sounds on banging and a person screaming at the top of their lounges ignoring the neighbors around them witch the voice was nice and deep but also quite soothing to a certain point and when reality hit she heard this 'OH COME ON I CALLED YOU YESTERDAY TO TELL YOU I WAS COMING NOW OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOU LAZY WANNABE DING BAT!' witch in turn made the girl fester into a small giggle then laughing as she opened the door to reveal a tall handsome black man, whit his hair dyed purple and his cloths more on the fashionable side, where his eyes pierced down at her with a small tint of green from his natural blue glaring at her in disapproval.

"sorry scar I passed out and never got your call probably went to voice mail seeing as I have my phone on silent most days now" she stated this wile raising her hands in confusion and wiping away tear of joy, witch only made the man known as scar frown more and cross his arms in annoyance 'of course, also look at you, your a complete mess go get in the fucking shower girl you reek too, oh and let me guess your room is a disaster as usual?' he asked rolling his eyes in disbelief and sighing while also smiling down at his best friend who was yet aging being a goof only to have her make a face of oh shit how did he know witch in turn made him do a shewing motion to her bathroom and coming inside grabbing a towel and throwing it in her face.

'just go I'll clean your room for you you lazy girl' "ahhh thanks scar and sorry about that...just been way to bissy with work of recently" 'Recently my ass your always working now go shew, by the time your done in that 2 to 3 hour shower since you desperately need it I should be done with your room and making it look brand new' "aww thanks scar I'll go then I'll try not to keep you too bissy this time unlike last time we went clubbing" 'yea right bissy my ass' this only made her laugh as she went to do as she was told and her friend went upstairs remembering where her room was before when drooping her off drunk one night they hung out.

once reaching the top of the stairs scar took a sharp turn to the right going to the door at the end of the hall way reaching out and grabbing the silver handle turning the nob and opening the door staring into the trashed filled room only to sigh as he saw the utter disaster that she had left it in when she woken up, witch he turned around closing the door behind him sighing even more before going right back to opening it going into the room bending over immediately picking up trash and throwing it away in the respectable waste bin in her corner of the room before going to cloths throwing those into her hamper right outside of the room making him sigh more form all the work he was doing only to continue on with it, and as time passed you could see him going in and out of her room multiple times with many different cleaning supplies or something completely else but by the times she was done with her shower he made her room practically spotless like it originally was when she first moved in making him smile and cross his arms admiring his hard work once aging as she came into her room fully dressed and in aww staring at his work as well.

"dam scar you did really well" 'well no shit I did really well I'm the one that first helped you move in here you little shit' he laughed as he grabbed her into a head lock starting to nuggying her "ahhhh nooooo I just did my hair!!!!" 'too bad! now get the shit you need and meet me in the car were going shopping bitch' he let go with a slight laugh turning and walking down the hallway and stairs going down to the main floor level and leaving to his car that was parked right out side where she grabbed her purse, wallet, keys and a couple essential's just incase something womanly was needed, quickly shoving on her boots and running down the hall jumping the stairs and slamming her main door behind her locking up going to scars car and hopping right into the passenger seat 'you ready sherlock?' "no shit Watson" 'alright then lets get going just know this will be a long drive' "got it so sleep until we make it" 'you know it' scar stated as he backed out of the driveway and down the old dirt roads heading to the main town several miles away.

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word count- 996

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