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Both scar and wire walked out of the store with wire still pouting and scar looking at his phone witch then he shoved it into her face quite excited 'girlllllll, we gotta go to this booteek' this had peaked her interest in looking at the phone and her face changed from pouting to immense joy "NO FUCKING WAY! YOU- THIS-" 'yes girl my collection is out an on sale finally!' this had wire jumping for joy in turn making scar take away her bag of purchased items so she wouldn't brake it or drop it in the process where they continued to talk and walk to his doge charger car making him sigh and shake his head from her goofiness and quick changes of attitude.

'I swear what am I going to do with you you almost dropped these please be more careful next time you twat' "ahh right sorry I just got so excited because this is your 3rd line of products that finally got accepted into big name brand store's!" scar shook his head is excitement dyeing down back to his normal calm demeaner 'you know I'm only doing my job and producing my fashion sense I'm just happy it's starting to kick off finally with out anyone help' he side getting in the drivers seat and starting the car while wire did the same but for the passenger seat, continuing on to back out of the parking spot and back on to the road as both of them continued the conversation on the drive to the store that scar had pulled up on his phone while also stopping for a quick meal brake in the city.

After stopping for their meal and a quick conversation over soda and hotdog's, they were back on the road to only reach the store in a few hours due to the traffic, though they were able to park on the side of the street at the store opening and both had gotten out going into the store where wire looked around the store seeing all the new designs scar had made when putting them up for sale and scar when to the back of the shop to talk to the owner to see how sales were going on at that time, though after a small bit scar came back to the front to go and grab wire to leave but looking around the shop he didn't see her witch in turn made him sigh to leave the building to his car and looking into the window to see her sitting their and waiting patiently.

Getting into the car scar turned to her and asked 'watcha doing out here hum?' his expression give a bored knowingly look when asking "I wanted to rest for a bit from looking at all the different outfit's is all" wire spoke back looking more at her phone screen fixated on some video that was playing of some dancing move's, 'right like I'd believe that what's the real reason wire' he rolled his eye's putting his keys into the ignition starting the car up and pulling out of their parking stop starting to just drive knowing that will help ease and calm her nerves "okay the real reason is I pulled out one of your outfits that was for sale and someone had cut up the design it looked precise too, and I know how much your work means to you so I bought it and was planning on trying to fix it once home" she looked up just a bit from her phone to see an angered look on his face and his hands clenching the steering wheel turning his knuckles white from the tight hold.

'wire.' he stated plainly witch perked her self to listen to what he had to say 'you shouldn't have bought it, I know exactly who did it and it's fine I've had some beef with a certain company for years so that cut up one is not actually one of my deigns its another company who stole it and resold it to manufacture' his tone was cold and stern when he spoke which made wire nervous "oh I didn't know i's sorry" her words felt nervous by speaking 'don't worry about it besides you don't go that much out into the city so you don't know a lot of things or keep up with the media like I do' "that's true I don't" she spoke back quietly to him witch in turn made scar relax now knowing the issue at hand.

'how about we head back to your place yea?' scars voice was now a softer and kinder demeaner then how it was before while he looked out of the corner of his eye to see wire's small reaction of nodding in silence, making scar hum in understanding continuing to drive on and pull on to an on rap to a high way starting to make their long car ride back to wire's home out in the country side.

page 4
word count- 833

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