Chapter 6

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I shook my head furiously in denial. In faith. No, I firmly thought, something's wrong with her.

Taking another long look at her expression, her canines bared with a gurgled growl, I grabbed her face, her cheeks squishing with force. I stared at her eyes, searching every corner of its blue depth.

Finding her, I pushed Cheddar through my control. Risbeth, what is wrong with Chrissa? She asked as I tried to knock multiple times at Chrissa's mental block but it's weird. Too weird.

I can feel her pounding, too, but there was not even a sign of a crack. Her mental block was forced by something.

Taking another hard look at her, Cheddar spoke, directing me, Risbeth is struggling to answer, our link has been suspended. How're you doing with her?

I shook my head, It's no good. Feeling her claws clench tightly around my hand, blood trickled down to the floor as Chrissa hissed harshly at me.

Shocked, I glared at her, throwing her down once more on the ground, sitting on her, muttering an apology before crushing her wrists with my foot as she shrieked in pain, alarming the pack.

Many of them rushed outside, watching the scene unfold in confusion. A few twitched to make a move before they stood still at my command, "Stay back!"

"What are you doing?" Peter freaked in shock as his mate stood together with him, the same confusion expressed in her eyes.

Chris came up to me, standing a good distance from me which was a perfect idea, considering this problem beneath me. "Alpha, what's going on?"

Feeling the joints of her leg twitch at the upcoming movement, I turned, grabbing her ankles before colliding them, breaking her bones. Another pained scream shot out of her as she thrashed around only making her shouts louder and full of agony as her movements caused pain to rush in her blood.

With a sigh, I looked up at Chris, "There's something wrong with her. Her mental block is forced up and we can't communicate with her." Chris looked perplexed at the situation but nonetheless, continued to show that he understood most of it.

"What about her wolf?" I shook my head at him, "Cheddar tried but it seems like her wolf can't break through either." He sighed in frustration at our current hopelessness.

"But I'm sure that something is controlling her, or it might be someone. Her movements are like those of a rouge gone beyond sanity. It's all so unclear," I groaned, "and I don't think we can do anything but it's to lock her up in a cell."

Chris scratched the back of his head, quite peeved with the idea but still, he nodded in agreement.

I grabbed Chrissa's beaten body, flinging her on my shoulder like a sack as she let out shrieks and whimpers at the movement. Chris shook his head, stepping in front of me, "I can take her there. You need to release all tension from your mind first."

I shut my eyes before looking ahead, taking Chrissa with me, "No, I'll do it. I need to chain her up. But do tell the pack doctor to make sure that she gets no treatment."

Chris had his eyes wide in absolute shock as he spoke in disbelief, "No treatment? Cee, she could die!" His tone lowered to keep the lingering pack members from overhearing.

Addressing the pack members, I ordered, " Go back to your rooms," firmly, "now." Scrambling to avoid being a hindrance, they rushed back into the pack house, stumbling before the door shut slowly.

With a ruffle of my hair, I sighed again, "She's going to have to stay this way until we find out what's wrong with her and no, she won't die." I gave him a hard look before trotting away to head for the dungeon, "She just can't."

Heading back to the pack house, I ran for the basement with Chrissa, bouncing and hissing at the movement. Going down the stairs, metal doors greet me and I punched in the code on the dialpad, the heavy doors rumbling with the force to open. I stepped in, ignoring the growls of some captives smelling my scent.

Chrissa continued to hiss at me, her body dangling painfully. Chrissa, please, I begged, fight.

I walked towards the end of the dungeon, opening the door to the vacant cell and threw her in before hurriedly locking up. Surprised, I took a step back as Chrissa shot her hand out between the bars and tried to grab a hold of me. She screeched, the deadly metal burning her skin.

My vision blurred as tears sprung. I was beyond frustrated. I had committed so many faults, enough to endanger my best friend's safety because I wanted to merely observe her first rather than taking immediate action, but I'm treading dangerous waters. I would be more careful, because of that. Possible enough, it's my best friend's life on the line here.

I grabbed her arm and pulled, her head banging loudly against the metal as she screamed in pain. "Get a grip of yourself! You need to fight whatever's inside of you. I am not letting you become a filthy, crazed rogue, you little," I breathed in as I calmed down, "nuthead."

Laying my forehead against the hissing silver, I begged, "Please."

I released her and she stepped back, hissing at me with the same gleam in her eyes.

I walked away from her cell, away from the dungeon... And towards my headquarters. To find out how this all started and how to end it.

Logging on to my computer, I quickly typed a short e-mail for each and every Alpha in the region.

"Emergency meeting at the conference hall, asap. Agenda: unknown forces invading."

Hurriedly, I began to tie my hair into a ponytail as I mind-linked Chris. Get the car ready, we're heading out.

Yes ma'am.

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