Chapter 15

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A/N: Sorry for a late and short update! I know I said an update on friday after school. Well, I had a Docotor Who marathon instead... Sorry guys! Hope this isn't too much of a crappy, filler chapter. I'm stuck on where I want to go from here. How about you guys leave in the comments some ideas for what to happen next! I'll pick the best one or one I can write about! If I pick your idea the chapter will be dedicated to you! 


"Who the fuck has to be calling me RIGHT at this moment?" I yelled into the empty room.

"Hello?" I growled once I clicked answer.

"I'm sitting with an empty glass and a broken heart. Thinking to myself what have I done? 'Cuz as my future got bright we started losing light." Blared out of my phone coming from the other side of the call.

"What the hell?" I tried to scream over the music.

"What? Is it not your favorite song anymore?" Ash asked turning down the music.

"It is, but not when it is blaring into my ear!" I yelled trying to stay mad. I started laughing, obviously failing at staying mad.

"Sorry! Didn't seem that loud to me." Ash mumbled.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on the road?" I scolded her.

"I'm in the parking lot! I'm not that much of an idiot!" Ash laughed putting emphasis on 'that'.

“Yes you are!” I laughed and sat down on my bed.

“Thanks Jade.” Ash said, I could just see her rolling her eyes.

“You have fun shopping. Leave me to my relaxing alone time!” I jokingly yelled and hung up, flopping onto my back.

“Hey Jade! Come over here!” I heard a voice scream through the wall, along with loud pounding.

“Can’t you people leave me to my Family Guy marathon?” I screamed at the wall.

“Nope!” I heard the voice scream again. This time I recognized it as Nathan’s. I laid on my bed ignoring him. Shortly after his pounding stopped, someone was at the door.

“Go away!” I yelled, even though they couldn’t hear me all the way through the house. I got up and trudged to the door, getting annoyed very quickly by the pounding.

“What do you need?” I said rudely as I opened the door.

“You’re gonna come with Tom and I to get his nose checked out.” Nathan said pushing past me.

“Why and why are you in my house?” I asked turning around to follow him.

“Tom asked you to. Don’t want to make him mad now do we? And to get your stuff, Is this your bedroom?” Nathan rambled, going through the open door to my room. He grabbed a backpack off my floor and put in a sweatshirt and my laptop and also gave me my phone.

“Put on your shoes we have to leave.” Nathan commanded heading back to the front door.

“And I have no say in going or not?” I huffed sliding on my old vans.

“The van is out front, our manager is going to take us.” Nathan said locking the front door for me.

“Can’t you drive your selves?” I ask following Nathan down the hall.

“Eh, just easier this way I suppose.” Nathan shrugged and pressed the down button near the elevator shaft. We stepped in and pressed the L button. Nathan handed me my backpack once the elevator opened. He brought me out front to the van and opened the back door for me.

“Just going to casually get in a black van with guys I barely know. Just a normal day for me.” I laughed and hopped into the back.

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