Wait, Thats Who?!

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A/N: Well I am finally writing. Sorry this took forever I went on vacation and got back monday and tuesday and yesterday I was really lazy. So I am like home alone for like 2 hours... LOTS OF TIME TO KILL!!!! :) OH also :) It is my birthday! Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me lol Now here is the new chapter!

I woke up to two people jumping on my bed. "What the hell" I growled. "Get up! ITS CONCERT DAY!!" Ash screamed in my ear. "Don't swear its mean!" Noah started to act like a little kid. "I will swear if i want to. NOW LETS GO MAKE BREAKFAST!" I jumped out of bed and ran down the hall way. I heard Ash behind me and a slide on the floor further back. I turned around to see noah with his foot cought in my blanket lieing on the floor. "Oh god Noah. You just couldn't let go of that blanket?" I started to laugh and went back to help Noah up. "I MADE IT TO THE KITCHEN FIRST! I GET TO PICK WHAT WE EAT!" I heard ash from behind me. "We are not, I repeat, not having candy and or cake." Noah shouted to Ash as he got up. "Aw.. Please...." Ash trailed off and started staring into the fridge. "Ashly Jane Mahan you can not have candy or cake. We can have blueberry waffles though. How about bacon too? I VOLONEER TO MAKE THE BACON!" I started out sounding like a mom then transfering into a kid. "I will make the bacon, Ash make the waffles I don't want a burnt breakfast." Noah butted in pushing me to the table. "Now sit like a good girl" Noah patted my head, went over to the fidge and pulled out the bacon. Well looks like I won't be cooking.


It was starting to get towards the concert time. It was around 4 now, the concert was at 7:30 pm. A couple hours ago we heard alot of suffling and then quietness, we think the neighbors went somewhere, we get peace and quiet until we leave. "Noah how come you choose 'The Wanted' for us to go see?" I asked while we were sitting watching a comercial. "Well it was them or One Direction" Noah said snickering. "OH DEAR GOD THANK YOU FOR NOT PICKING ONE DIRECTION! At school it was 'one direction this one direction that, Oh did you hear that one direction did this?" Ash said in a whinny voice. "Your welcome. Ooo! Big Brother is on!" Noah said while flipping channels. "Eh. Lets watch soemthing that will make time go by faster. SPONGEBOB! Seriously when its on time goes by like thirty times faster." I said normaly. I looked over and Ash and Noah were staring at me funny. "What." I questioned. "You watch spongebob?" Noah scrunched his eyebrows. "When your at work nothing is on. I watch spongebob, don't judge!" I said starting to pout. "LETS WATCH SPONGEBOB!" Ash screached. "Keep qu- WAIT! They aren't home. LETS BE LOUD!" I JUMPED OFF THE COUCH AND RAN TO GET MY i-Pod and dock. "Put on Skrillex!" Ash said suddenly behind me. "What do you thing I am doing?" I said scrolling down to my Skrillex playlist. 


"ASH! ITS FIVE LETS GET READY!" I turned off the music and stared pulling out some mac and cheese for dinner. "Noah, will you make the mac and cheese? I wanna go shower." I turned see the back of Noah's head while he sat on the couch. "Eh. Fine" Noah started to get up. 'THANK YIOU BIG BROTHER!!" I said as I ran past him going to my room. I showered quick and texted Ash to shower. I pulled out my green shorts and a white tank top with a black blazer. I put on some eyeliner and masscara then braided my hair to the side. 

I came out and sat down to have dinner and five minutes later Ash joined me. I finished and cleaned up the dished. I wen back to my room and looked in the mirror again, I was missing something. I put on my red lipstick, yet I still felt as I was missing someting. "Ash, can you come here?" I said popping my head out the door. "Yeah" I heard Ash say. She walked in my room in a light blue high waist shorts and a hot pink crop top that says 'Young 'N Wild', her hair was curled and the part in the center instead of the side. "I feel like I am missing something." I said while turning back to the mirror. "I mean what if there is a cute guy there and my outfit doesn't look right?" I said while starting to laugh. Ash pulled out the staightener, pulled out my bangs that I had cliped back and gave them a small flip. "Now you need one more thing." Ash said as she ran to her room, she came back with a pair of earing. "Oh my gosh. Ash do you really want me to wear these?" I said shocked. It was her nOir Silver Dangle Pave Pyramid Earrings. "You never wear these! Why would you let me?" I said shocked. "They need to be worn. Plus they look perfect with your outfit!" Ash quick took of my long sleave blazer and grabed my blueish purple quarter sleeve one. "I never thought of this! This looks so cute. I said runne=ing out to look in the full mirror in the hallway. "I AM A GENUIS!" Ash said while doing a fist pump. "Now will you come help me pick what lipstick to use?" ash said while walking to her room. I walked in to see every single lipgloss and lipstick out on her bed. "Jeeze. How about this one!" I picked up her NYC Paris lipstick. "Doesn't that look to much like my shirt?" Ash said after she put it on. "A little bit. Put on your light pink crop top with the, uh, what is it again?" I said going towards her closet. I pulled it out, it said 'PARTY TIME' in bold black letters. "WE ARE BOTH FASHION GENUISES!" Ash said as she ran into the bathroom with the shirt. She came out and we looked at the clock. "OH MY GOD! It's six! WE GOTTA GO!" I ran back to my room getting my phone and mooney. I hugged Noah and grabbed the keys. Ash and I ran down to the parking garage. 


It was almost five minutes till the concert stared. We saw alot of t-shirts but tried not to look at them, we could not wait any longer, Noah had gotten us almost front row seats. I say seventh row is close enough! We heard some music start, the whole croud roared with screams. It was insane! Ash joined in and started jumping around, I thought to my-self, what the heck. And started screaming too. Then five boys ran out. They looked so fiamiliar. "Holey shit. Ash they look like my neighbors, the darker skinned one is new but still..." I started to trail off. "Wait, thats who?!" Ash said. "Our NEIGHBORS!" I screamed at her, yet no-one else heard me. "Then we can go talk to them tomorrow." Ash suggested. "Uh Hi. Can I know that boys name?" I started with the one that I reconise the most, thick accent boy. The girl had like wicked hair, She had it in a side bun and her hair ahad like a swirl of blone and brown, so cool. "Yah! Thats Tom he is one of my favorites!!" The gilr replied still watching them run aroiund an sing. "Your new to the TWFanmily aren't you? How about you text me or something? We can talk after the show!" The girl was being so nice to me. "The other ones are, Max the bald one, Nathan he is my other favorite, is wearing the cap. Siva is the darker skinned one with black hair and Jay is the one with curly hair." She pointed at each one and then went back to watching the concert mainly. "Thanks I said before going back to enjoying it my self.


The concert came to an end. I really liked their music, Ash did too. The girl from earlier cam back. "Hi! I'm August!" The girl said, she seemed to be running on adrenelen. ( IDK HOW TO SPELL THAT SORRY!) "Im Jase" I said with a smile. "Im Ashly but please call me Ash." Ash said rather shyly. " Well how about you text me, I can teach you more about them!" August handed me a peice of paper. "Thanks I will. I really need to learn more about them!" I said. "I would like to stay and chat but I have to go, sorry! Remember to text me!" August said while running off. "we really need to figure out if that is them." I said while me and Ash went to the car.

:D So August won or @cookiequeen143 :) You will probably be a long term character! :D So hope you guys liked this. Sorry it took so long. Comment what u think! :) oh i started this in the morning but it took me til now and its almost midnight... lol


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